All articles by Jeremy Woolfe – Page 3
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: A vision for cross-border workers
A former director of the European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) has proposed a new option for occupational pensions that could help the large number of workers whose careers take them across EU internal borders.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Weighty in-tray for new CMU commissioner
Valdis Dombrovskis has assumed responsibility as commissioner in charge of the flagship Capital Markets Union project. But he has also assumed the added complication of the withdrawal of the UK
Jeremy Woolfe: British officials fret over EU pension obligations
Our man in Brussels wonders where the post-Brexit burden of UK officials’ pensions might lie
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Posted worker woes
It will not be the first time that proposed revisions to EU rules affecting finance and pensions get stuck in a logjam between interests groups
Jeremy Woolfe: The Brexit 'Schock' in Brussels
IPE’s man in Brussels considers some of the many scenarios facing the UK and the EU post-Brexit
Jeremy Woolfe: Juncker sings praises of strategic investment fund
Brussels is increasingly confident of attracting institutional interest in Europe’s ‘strategic’ investments, writes Jeremy Woolfe
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Tax targeting continues
Pressure to clean up the financial sector has led to copious legislation from Brussels.
Jeremy Woolfe: A kick in the pants for the EU’s Energy Union
Jeremy Woolfe relates some the recent efforts to unlock investment in Europe’s energy infrastructure
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Ethical pressures mount
There are plenty of indicators of rising pressure to advance ethical standards across the financial sector. One outcome takes the form of mountains of clean-up legislation, including from Brussels.
European Commission re-shuffles staff at FISMA Directorate-General
Martin Merlin to take over directorship covering financial institutions
Jeremy Woolfe: MiFID II crystal ball still clouded over
Estimates for the publication of the ‘delegated acts’ rules for MiFID II remain unclear, Jeremy Woolfe writes
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Beefing up the CMU
Inadequacy of European national court systems in the financial sphere is due for overhaul. Upgrade is necessary if the EU’s capital markets union programme (CMU) is going to get anywhere, according to a high-status paper
Jeremy Woolfe: Brexit and the ‘cuppa’
Jeremy Woolfe laments the EU economy’s being distracted by a humdrum cup of tea
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Race to upgrade EFSI
Legislative moves to support the EU’s European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) are being rushed through Brussels. But, so far, evidence of any torrent of fund movement by the institutional investment sector across EU frontiers has yet to emerge.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: A simmering conflict
Conflict continues to simmer over the issue of passport rights for non-EU-domiciled hedge funds across the EU
European Parliament agrees 'practicable, proportionate' IORP draft
PensionsEurope, responsible investment groups welcome draft
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: A lawyer’s feast
It is a case of tackling one challenge after another in the Capital Markets Union (CMU). According to the European Commission, the present morass of different national insolvency rules creates a barrier to the flow of capital across the EU.
Jeremy Woolfe: The 'slow burn' of the IORP II Directive
In Brussels-speak, the word ‘probably’ could mean ‘not for a very long time’, warns Jeremy Woolfe
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Cross-border challenge for IORP II
IORP II may have cleared the European Parliament’s committee stage but amendments tabled to the second directive covering occupational pensions since 2003 are so radical that it would be unwise to forecast its future.