All articles by Jeremy Woolfe – Page 9
European Commission takes Poland to court over IORPs
Gives Estonia two months to incorporate directive 'fully and completely' into national law.
Opinion Pieces
Clearer position on derivatives
Powerful forces are pushing both for and against an opt-out for pension funds from central clearing requirements in proposed legislation on market infrastructure, making it anyone’s guess as to the final result. However, the European parliamentary rapporteur’s softening of position must be reasonable grounds for hope.
Pension funds win reprieve from European derivatives regulation
European Parliament to include 'special regime' for all pension fund trades.
Has Solvency II knocked the EU off-kilter?
Pension industry's growing hostility to Solvency II may have knocked Commission off balance.
The Year of Active Ageing's mysterious budget
Jeremy Woolfe applauds the 'European Year for Active Ageing', but wonders about its €5m cost.
European short selling regulation hampered by further delays
UK understood to be chief opponent of giving ESMA powers over national supervisors.
Opinion Pieces
Defusing Short-Termism
The European Commission’s (EC) new green paper, ‘The EU Corporate Governance Framework’, clearly aims to encourage company owners to take a more active role in influencing management.
Deposit guarantee directive will hurt pension funds, AEIP warns
Institution says revision to EU directive could cost occupational pension schemes.
Opinion Pieces
Meet Ms Active Ageing
Pension funds will observe with interest the European Commission’s announcement goal of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. This is to add two years to the average EU healthy lifespan by 2020. However, achieving healthy, longer lives is not quite as straightforward as it seems.
Calling out the hypocrites
Jeremy Woolfe praises the EFRP's taking the EU to task for a rather pathetic approach to governance.
Pensions crisis? What pensions crisis?
Is Europe truly facing a pension crisis? That depends on how you look at the problem.
Opinion Pieces
MEPS rush green paper follow-up
Substantial indications of the direction Brussels is likely to take on pension policy are emerging surprisingly early as a follow-up to the Commission’s policy paper of last July.
EIOPA names Montalvo as executive director
Former CEIOPS director general joins recent appointee Gabriel Bernardino at organisation.
European Commission urges extension of working life to stave off crisis
Commission's head of social and demographic analysis urged an increased effective retirement age.
Ireland's recovery plan 'seriously jeopardises' pension schemes' future
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions warns proposals undermine collective agreements.
Manna from heaven
Jeremy Woolfe finds himself underwhelmed by the European Parliament's take on the Green Paper.
Brussels: The new Tower of Babel?
Pensions terminology is a baffling mishmash that must be simplified urgently