Latest news and analysis of pensions, asset management, regulation and trends in the European Union from our award-winning journalists.
Announcement follows last week’s Mario Draghi’s report which came with 172 policy proposals and recommendations
The European Court of Justice referred the case back to a lower Dutch court
Swedbank Robur Fonder AB, BVK, P+ and Velliv are among the 26 institutions signing a statement issued by the World Benchmarking Alliance
Macron’s controversial pension reforms look likely to survive, at least for now, and despite the political turmoil of the recent elections
Unions have a new role in determining the shape of occupational pensions but are mindful of their duty to protect workers
Ireland’s bid to reduce the number of single-member DC pension funds is succeeding but is not without teething troubles
The Italian pension industry and policymakers are discussing ways to channel more pension investment towards the country’s business sector
Dutch pension funds must tread a fine line between protecting funding levels and ensuring sufficient returns as they move to defined contribution
Diversification remains a key tool in pension fund portfolios
Pensioenfonds Detailhandel’s groundbreaking attempt to democratise its investment process is just one development in this growing trend
Despite recent growth, second-pillar pensions have never been a priority for the Italian government
Investor group statement comes a year after the group urged the Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) to step up on climate proxy voting advice.
The IIGCC has warned the FRC’s changes to the Code risks framing collaborative engagement and escalation as “tools of last resort”.
Overall support for ESG proposals stayed flat in 2024 at 23%, with a marked rise in anti-ESG resolutions.
Petra Hielkema, EIOPA’s chair, sets out how the authority and EU policymakers can build an ecosystem capable of plugging the substantial pension gaps Europe is facing
New platform ‘not intended as critique of EU taxonomy’
Sven Gentner was speaking on a panel at IPE’s recent Transition conference
The study found a range of challenges facing EU investors around ESG disclosures, which the CFA said regulators should pay attention to.
New faces also include Dijana Bojceta Markoja, from the Association of Pension Funds and Insurance Companies in Croatia