Leaders in Investment Podcast
#13 Leaders in Investment podcast: Conversation with Morten Nilsson and Wyn Francis – CEO, CIO of Brightwell, UK
Morten Nilsson and Wyn Francis, Brightwell’s CEO and CIO, discuss the management of the BT Pension Scheme – the UK’s largest single employer pension scheme – including their investment strategies, ESG goals, relationships and adapting to industry changes.
#12 Leaders in Investment podcast: Conversation with Jaakko Kiander, Chief Executive Officer, Keva in Finand
Jaakko Kiander, the CEO of Keva, Finland’s largest pension provider, which looks after state and local government pensions there as well as administering the pensions of other public sector organisations talks to IPE Editorial Director Liam Kennedy.
#11 Leaders in Investment podcast: Conversation with Joe McDonnell, Chief Investment Officer of Border to Coast
In Episode #11 of IPE’s Leaders in Investment podcast series, Joe McDonnell, Chief Investment Officer of UK Local Government Pension Scheme pool Border to Coast speaks with IPE Editorial Director Liam Kennedy.
#10 Leaders in Investment podcast: Conversation with Professor Dirk Schoenmaker, Investment Committee Chair, PFZW
In Episode #10 of IPE’s Leaders in Investment podcast series, IPE Editorial Director Liam Kennedy interviews Professor Dirk Schoenmaker, Investment Committee Chair at Dutch pension fund PFZW
#9 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Michael Wissell, Chief Investment Officer at HOOPP (Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan)
In Episode #9 of IPE’s Leaders in Investment podcast series, IPE Editorial Director Liam Kennedy interviews Michael Wissell at HOOPP
#8 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Patrick Kanters, CIO Private Markets, APG
In Episode #8 of IPE’s Leaders in Investment podcast series, IPE Real Assets editor Richard Lowe interviews Patrick Kanters, CIO Private Markets, APG
#7 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Mark Fawcett, CEO of Nest Invest
In Episode #7 of IPE’s Leaders in Investment podcast series, IPE editorial director Liam Kennedy interviews Mark Fawcett, CEO of Nest Invest.
#6 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Marieke van Kamp, Head of Private Markets, NN Group
In Episode #6 of IPE’s Leaders in Investment podcast series, IPE Real Assets editor Richard Lowe interviews Marieke van Kamp, head of private markets at NN Group.
#5 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Richard Tomlinson – CIO, LPPI
In Episode #5, of IPE’s new Leaders in Investment podcast series, IPE editorial director Liam Kennedy interviews Richard Tomlinson – CIO, LPPI
#4 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Kristin Magnusson Bernard - CEO, AP1
IPE editorial director Liam Kennedy interviews Kristin Magnusson Bernard – CEO, AP1. “The main challenge of 2024 will be maintaining the trust in what you do for your beneficiaries so that you are a credible guardian of their wealth.”
#3 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Mads Gosvig and John Greaves, Railpen
IPE editorial director Liam Kennedy interviews two of Railpen’s senior directors: Mads Gosvig, chief officer, fiduciary and investment management and John Greaves, director of fiduciary management.
#2 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Damien Webb, Deputy CIO and Head of Real Assets, Aware Super
IPE Real Assets Editor Richard Lowe interviews Damien Webb, deputy CIO and head of real assets at Aware Super, one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds.
#1 Leaders in Investment Podcast: Conversation with Timo Löyttyniemi, CEO, Finland’s State Pension Fund (VER)
Timo Löyttyniemi, CEO of Finland’s State Pension Fund (VER), speaks to IPE Editor Liam Kennedy in our first Leaders in Investment Podcast.
IPE Leaders in Investment - Invitation
In this new podcast series from IPE and IPE Real Assets, members of our editorial team speak to leading figures in the institutional investor community to curate a library of in-depth, focused content.