
In-depth report on investing for our pension fund and asset management readers from our award-winning journalists.


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Howard Sharp

How banks are joining forces with private credit managers

July/August 2024 (Magazine)

As the private credit market grows, banks are looking to partner with private credit managers rather than compete with them

Rome, Italy

Italy Country Report 2024: How local pensions could support the economy

July/August 2024 (Magazine)

The Italian pension industry and policymakers are discussing ways to channel more pension investment towards the country’s business sector 

Europe's pension policy roundtable

Europe’s pension policy roundtable: Challenges for the next Commission

June 2024 (Magazine)

The experts weigh in on the future of the European Union’s pensions policy  

Dell Rich

Equities: a return to passive safe havens

June 2024 (Magazine)

In an effort to counterbalance an uncertain economic outlook and geopolitical tensions, many institutional investors are avoiding active management

Top 500 social v3

Generation of change: asset managers grapple with AI on both sides of the P&L

Top 500 Asset Managers 2024

Data highlights from IPE Top 500 Asset Managers 2024: Global asset management AUM: €111.4trn ($120trn) | Year-on-year increase of 8.6% on the 2023 total of €102.6trn | Global institutional assets: €36trn (2023: €35.1trn) | European institutional assets €11.9trn (2023: €11.5trn)


Top 1000 Pension Funds 2023: Europe’s pensions absorb a €646bn loss

Top 1000 Pension Funds 2023

Last year saw a net reduction in the asset stock of European pension investment retirement pools of 6.77% over the previous year, according to IPE’s annual study of the leading 1,000 pension funds across the continent, marking a sea change for pensions.

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