Get to grips with the latest regulation changes and reforms for the pension and investment industries. IPE keeps you up to date with the news headlines and reaction, while our in-depth analysis explores the repercussions
Swedish buffer fund says internal reorganisation has already improved collaboration between departments
77% of pension fund executives surveyed by Ortec Finance say they expect coming year to bring an elevated risk profile
Plus: DB surplus extraction, a new pensions minister, and NEST takes 10% stake in Australia’s IFM
UKSIF argues in favour of government proceeding, Investment Association says a taxonomy is no longer needed
With the new investment rules, Pensionskassen are allowed to invest up to 5% of their security assets used to cover liabilities in infrastructure
The new government, likely led by the Union, could decide to review the reforms started by the traffic-light government
Major new report offers ways to cut regulation’s requirements by a third
According to a report, 48% of employees required to contribute to social security contributions in Germany are not covered by occupational pensions
Signatory pushback has focused on the proposals to drop explicit references to ‘environment and society’ from the Code
2024 saw new entrants Royal London and Utmost complete their first deals below £100m
Joint statement says ‘omnibus’ proposal is unnecessary
‘Arizona’ coalition government wants workplace pensions with employer contributions of at least 3% by 2035 for all employees
‘We’re not really deliberating whether or not we made good decisions in the past,’ says vice-chair Sue Lloyd
AP1, the €41.4bn fund facing liquidation after 25 years, ‘will begin implementing the change’, says CEO Kristin Magnusson Bernard