Nordic region: Pensions and Investment News and Analysis

Latest news and analysis of pensions, asset management, regulation and trends in the Nordic Region from our award-winning journalists.

Pension Funds in the Nordic Region - Country Report

IPE nordic forum 2022

Nordic Region Report 2024: Denmark’s government urges pension funds to support defence

Danish schemes embrace defence – as long as ESG criteria and international conventions are adhered to


Pension fund/entity | Assets (€’000)


  1. PFA Pension | 100,027,425
  2. Arbejdsmarkedets Tillaegspension (ATP) | 91,139,828
  3. Danica Pension | 69,990,815


  1. Keva | 62,235,000
  2. Ilmarinen | 57,505,128
  3. Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co. | 56,600,600


  1. Lífeyrissjóður starfsmanna ríkisins | 8,509,100
  2. Lífeyrissjóður verslunarmanna | 7,719,326
  3. Gildi lífeyrissjóður | 6,009,393


  1. Norway Government Pension Fund Global | 1,302,088,528
  2. Kommunal Landspensjonkasse (KLP) | 83,656,362
  3. Folketrygdfondet | 34,998,363


  1. Alecta Pensionsförsäkring | 103,391,953
  2. Sjunde AP-fonden (AP7) | 80,722,620
  3. AMF | 65,334,555

©IPE Research;  See IPE’s Top 1000 Pension Funds for the full ranking

Key fund data for Denmark

Denmark key pension data

Sources: Pension assets - IPE research; Occupational pension assets as % of GDP - OECD June 2022; Working population, data as of end 2021 - World Bank; Projected old-age dependency ratio 2050 per 100 people - Eurostat 2021; Gross average replacement rate - OECD Pensions at a Glance, 2021; Asset Allocation - OECD Pension Funds in Fugures, June 2022 *Data on asset allocation in these figures include both direct investment in equities, bills and bonds, cash and deposits and indirect investment through CIS when the look-through of CIS investments is available. Otherwise investments by pension funds in CIS are shown in a separate category.

Key fund data for Finland

Finland key pension data

Sources: Pension assets - IPE research; Occupational pension assets as % of GDP - OECD June 2022; Working population, data as of end 2021 - World Bank; Projected old-age dependency ratio 2050 per 100 people - Eurostat 2021; Gross average replacement rate - OECD Pensions at a Glance, 2021; Asset Allocation - OECD Pension Funds in Fugures, June 2022

Key fund data for Iceland

Iceland key pension data

Sources: Pension assets - IPE research; Occupational pension assets as % of GDP - OECD June 2022; Working population, data as of end 2021 - World Bank; Projected old-age dependency ratio 2050 per 100 people - Eurostat 2021; Gross average replacement rate - OECD Pensions at a Glance, 2021; Asset Allocation - OECD Pension Funds in Fugures, June 2022

Key fund data for Norway

Norway key pension data

Sources: Pension assets - IPE research; Occupational pension assets as % of GDP - OECD June 2022; Working population, data as of end 2021 - World Bank; Projected old-age dependency ratio 2050 per 100 people - Eurostat 2021; Gross average replacement rate - OECD Pensions at a Glance, 2021; Asset Allocation - OECD Pension Funds in Fugures, June 2022

Key fund data for Sweden

Sweden key pension data

Sources: Pension assets - IPE research; Occupational pension assets as % of GDP - OECD June 2022; Working population, data as of end 2021 - World Bank; Projected old-age dependency ratio 2050 per 100 people - Eurostat 2021; Gross average replacement rate - OECD Pensions at a Glance, 2021; Asset Allocation - OECD Pension Funds in Fugures, June 2022 *Data on asset allocation in these figures include both direct investment in equities, bills and bonds, cash and deposits and indirect investment through CIS when the look-through of CIS investments is available. Otherwise investments by pension funds in CIS are shown in a separate category.


Company | Assets (€m) 

  1. SEB | 65,000*
  2. BlackRock | 61,541
  3. DNB Asset Management | 53,712**
  4. Nordea Asset Management | 52,442
  5. Storebrand Asset Management | 35,386***
  6. State Street Global Advisors | 29,768
  7. Nykredit Asset Management | 26,163
  8. Northern Trust Asset Management | 22,607
  9. Morgan Stanley Investment Management | 8,936*
  10. Amundi | 8,344

As at, *30.16.23, **15.11.23, ***10.6.22

©IPE Research; Sign up to IPE Profesional to see all the data in the latest country report

IPE European Pension Fund Awards


Nordic Region

  • 2023 - The Swedish Fund Selection Agency


  • 2022 - Industriens Pension
  • 2021 - PensionDanmark
  • 2020 - PensionDanmark
  • 2019 - ATP | PensionDanmark


  • 2022 - KLP


  • 2022 - Alecta pension insurance, mutual
  • 2021 - Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)
  • 2020 - Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)
  • 2019 - Swedish Pensions Agency

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