Top stories

Paris, France

French pension funds lead project to assess value of shareholder engagement


FRR and ERAFP are part of a new taskforce that will establish best practices for shareholders and lenders


IPD calls for pension rules change to encourage retirement work


Sweden’s AMF reminds policy-setters that blue-collar workers are less able to work as pensioners for health reasons

Photo depicting pen and calculator on table

UK-listed companies with DB schemes issue 81 profit warnings in 2024


Companies issuing profit warnings could consider DB surplus as a source of cash support


Citrus Pension Plan picks Russell Investments as implementation partner


Russell Investments will deliver investment strategy across Citrus’s £300m investment portfolio

interest rates

Fonchim’s sub-fund records return over 10%


Sub-fund ‘Crescita’ returned 10.32% last year, just above its benchmark of 10.11%, surprisingly facing low volatility during the year

Integrating biodiversity into portfolios- a bespoke framework

Biodiversity: Strong interest, weak data, say investors


ISSB has called for more focused research that delves deeper into investor needs, tackles data and measurement challenges and clarifies key definitions

IPE Magazine January/February 2025

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