Iceland’s small but well-formed pension sector is one of the top scoring systems internationally, regularly taking the top slots in the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index study. The country’s DC pension funds invest just under 40% of assets abroad. The current foreign holdings limit of 50% is set to be raised to 65% by 2036. The system is not without controversy – a recent contentious issue has been the liquidation of the government’s Housing Finance Fund without compensation for bondholders, which were mainly pension funds. A green paper on pensions was expected towards the end of 2024 – this should set the terms for a discussion on the future of the system.
Danish schemes embrace defence – as long as ESG criteria and international conventions are adhered to
Pension fund/entity | Assets (€’000)
©IPE Research; View the Top 1000 European Pensions Funds 2024 for a comprehensive market overview
Almenni Pension Fund sees mixed outlook, with uncertainty around global impact of new US regime, while earthquakes in Iceland may blight domestic economy
Almenni Pension Fund calls the ruling ‘a precedent-setting decision for other pension funds’
Almenni board member says government would need to provide clear legislation in order for auto-enrolment of additional pension to work
Central bank says given expected growth of pension funds, they should have rich opportunities for investing in diverse assets at home and abroad
Leaders at Frjalsi and Almenni pension funds argue participation in the 25-year-old scheme should be boosted by employers signing staff up as the default
Company | Assets (€m)
As at, *30.16.23, **15.11.23, ***10.6.22
©IPE Research; Sign up to IPE Profesional to see all the data in the latest country report
Nordic Region
Almenni Pension Fund sees mixed outlook, with uncertainty around global impact of new US regime, while earthquakes in Iceland may blight domestic economy
Plus: Clarity for Icelandic pension funds on legal situation around provisions for changed life expectancy; Sweden’s financial watchdog on increased pension transfers
Almenni Pension Fund calls the ruling ‘a precedent-setting decision for other pension funds’
Almenni board member says government would need to provide clear legislation in order for auto-enrolment of additional pension to work
Plus: Iceland schemes reject banking rules; Sweden’s watchdog warns of risks for consumers on pension transfers
Central bank says given expected growth of pension funds, they should have rich opportunities for investing in diverse assets at home and abroad
Leaders at Frjalsi and Almenni pension funds argue participation in the 25-year-old scheme should be boosted by employers signing staff up as the default
Simpler rules should be enforced by ‘risk-based supervision with strong discretionary tools’, Nordic watchdogs tell EIOPA, ESMA, EBA heads
Top three countries retain places despite slightly lower ranking compared with 2023 figures
At LL’s AGM, pension funds discuss issues facing the sector, including prospect that reform plans will get going this year, after delay