All articles by Jeremy Woolfe – Page 13
Opinion Pieces
Quo vadis IORP?
What is the future for Europe’s Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORP) directive?
Commission delays IORP hearing
[16:15 CET 20-02] EUROPE - The European Commission’s public hearing to discuss the revisions to IORPs pension funds rules, which had been scheduled to take place on 16 February, has now been postponed until Wednesday 27 May.
EFRP warns hedge funds could flee EU regulation
[13:30 CET 19-02] EUROPE – The European Federation for Retirement Provision has warned the European Commission against “rushing into ill-considered regulation” of hedge funds, as it believes "too stringent regulation" would encourage hedge funds to serve their clients from outside the EU".
EC lifts hold-up on Ucits IV
[13:30 CEST 08-07] EUROPE - Ucits IV, described as a badly-needed upgrade of European Union rules governing pan-EU cross-border fund movements, is back on the European Commission’s agenda.
Commission issues two surveys in fight for pensions portability
More artillery has arrived on the battleground where the EU is still fighting for pan-European legislation on the portability of supplementary, non-state pensions for employees. The weapons recently wheeled into place by the European Commission takes the form of two heavyweight studies. These include existing national business practices, measures of ...
EC to stage pensions assets enquiry
[15:45 CET 27-02] EUROPE - The European Commission is planning to hold a “broad based enquiry” into the asset management of defined benefit pension funds, following pressure from DB pensions managers concerning a threat which would oblige them to transfer assets out of equities and into fixed-interest securities.
Pensions portability directive edges closer
[13:00 CET 19-12] EUROPE – European Union officials believe they are now one step closer to finalizing implementation of the pensions portability directive, even though another attempt to improve cross-border pension arrangements was blocked by ministers from Luxembourg and Germany earlier this month.
Portability reforms resurface
Jeremy Woolfe reports on the adoption of European Parliament recommendations in the EU’s reborn portability directive