BELGIUM – A national debate on pensions featuring government minister Bruno Tobback and industry figures has been postponed.
“The timing of our national pension debate has been interrupted by sudden political issues,” said former pensions minister Freddy Willockx, now with consulting firm Akkermans Stroobants, in a letter to delegates.
The debate – organised by Antwerp-based Akkermans Stroobants - was set for tomorrow at a hotel in Brussels. Willockx said it seemed better to have the debate after the social consultation with the government.
The debate was to be a “platform for all Belgian pension professionals, to come together and debate the strategic choices that have to be made”.
Participants were to include pensions and environment minister Tobback, representatives of the social partners as well as pension funds and insurers.
Willockx joined Akkermans Stroobanks in October last year.
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