All biodiversity articles – Page 2
Special Report
AGM season preview: nature at the ballot box
Despite the backlash against ESG, biodiversity risks will be on the agenda during the next round of shareholder meetings
AP Pension appoints EOS Federated Hermes for stewardship services
Focus of stewardship will primarily be on climate and biodiversity issues
Think tank offers up ‘representative deforestation credit portfolio’
AFII developed open access product ’as a prod and and poke’ for investors to get started on deforestation risk
GRI revamps biodiversity standard, issues call for investor engagement
Understanding the impacts of organisations is ‘crucial aspect of implementing global solutions to halt and even reverse the damage and address existential threats’, says Carol Adams
Country Report
Swiss Pensionskassen strengthen their stewardship role
Swiss pension funds are broadening their proxy voting and exclusion policies while joining efforts to engage on real estate and biodiversity
Special Report
Natural capital and biodiversity: betting on disclosure for nature
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has taken a pragmatic approach to developing its final recommendations
Biodiversity funds deliver lower returns, says research
The recent explosion in interest around nature and biodiversity has prompted a surge in investor activity
Real GHG cuts best achieved by focusing on largest emitters, says AP7
Swedish pensions major says wisdom of targeting main emitters also contains important lesson for biodiversity action
Pension fund duo among new signatories to biodiversity pledge
Finance for Biodiversity Pledge now counts 153 signatories, including banks for the first time
PRI set to launch collaborative stewardship initiative on nature
The first set of supporters will be announced in early 2024
DB schemes need integrated approach to sustainability reporting
Hymans Robertson suggests three initial actions pension schemes and other institutional investors should take for successful TNFD reporting
190 investors write to companies over management of nature
Launch reflects growing focus on nature in sign of defiance against US clampdown on collaboration
NBIM weighs best use of new TNFD framework in ownership, portfolio work
UK call for government to make TNFD compulsory; UKSIF says ISSB should introduce disclosure standards for biodiversity, drawing on taskforce’s framework
TNFD to develop blueprint for public pool for nature-related data
Data ‘should not be kept behind paywalls or in proprietary systems’
Actuaries urge financial sector to be ready for changes to biodiversity reporting
The Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosure is expected to publish its risk management and disclosure framework in November
Analysis: Refreshed Solvency II reform aims to boost green transition
Insurance companies should draw up plans to address the risks caused by the transition to a climate neutral economy
Danica Pension completes first biodiversity mapping of investments
Investments in mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals, energy, and food processing have ‘potentially the greatest damage and dependence on biodiversity’, it says
Norway’s SWF bans PowerChina on threat to orangutans
NBIM follows advice of GPFG’s Council of Ethics, banning PowerChina and putting UK-listed Petrofac under observation
VCMI launches guidance on carbon offsetting
The initiative will continue to develop labels and metrics over coming months
French regulator questions managers’ approach to ESG data providers
Plus: New biodiversity credits initiative between UK and France