All Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) articles – Page 2
European disappointment as US strife shows up in manager CA100+ exits
Repercussions for mandates may be limited but beware any European asset manager thinking about treading the same path
Investors ‘queuing’ to participate in Climate Action 100+ despite US backlash
Church of England Pension Board’s Adam Matthews says shareholder initiative, which currently has a 50+ waitlist, ‘must prove its worth’
ESG roundup: ICMA releases guidance on blue-themes bonds
Plus: CA100+ publishes first net zero standards for mining industry; Fidelity International expands sustainable fund range
Pension funds call on ISS to step up on climate proxy voting advice
Investors raise concerns about inconsistencies and lack of specific net-zero policy in IIGCC-coordinated letter
Firms think fund managers are better qualified to vote than stewardship teams
The FRC prepares to review the UK Steward Code and other regulatory tools later this year
Velliv divests BP, TotalEnergies, Shell in climate strategy rethink
Danish pension provider divests DKK3.4bn of upstream oil and gas stocks and bonds
CA100+ ‘moves from disclosure to the implementation of transition plans’ in second phase
There will be a greater focus on the role of lenders under the new strategy
Investors launch ‘CA100+ for biodiversity’ at COP15
AXA Investment Management, Storebrand and BNP Paribas Asset Management are among 11 founding partners of Nature Action 100
More than 200 investors throw weight behind human rights engagement initiative
Sector strategies will be developed to identify priority topics for different types of business
Danish teachers’ pension fund to shed €269m of fossil equities
Lærernes Pension tightens criteria for fossil fuel exclusions, after setting 2050 net-zero goal in June
PenSam, Greater Manchester demand tax transparency from ConocoPhillips
Danish and UK pension funds challenge US oil giant, co-filing shareholder resolution alongside Oxfam America
UK regulators put spotlight on collaborative engagement in climate transition recommendations
The guidelines suggest that transition plans should identify the metrics investors and companies use to measure their climate progress
Private equity, mortgages enter net-zero alliance’s protocol in new draft
UN’s investor alliance expands guidance on treatment of sovereign debt in draft of third version of target-setting protocol
UK’s CEPB drops CA100+ Shell co-lead in engagement focus switch
Pension fund also reports on net-zero progress, highlights limits of single climate measures
Nature Action 100 expected to launch summer 2022
Collaborative investor-led programme in the process of scoping governance structure
Next CA100+ phase to include more net-zero ambition, accountability
Outline of second phase comes amid ‘disappointing’ results in second round of company net-zero assessments
TELA says 96% of Finnish occupational pension assets invested responsibly
Analysis shows nearly all the system’s €255bn assets invested in line with UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment
Growth in air travel needs to be curtailed, says Climate Action 100+ report
If air traffic growth cannot be curbed fast enough, sustainable aviation fuel would need to be adopted sooner and to a greater degree than planned
Norway’s SWF backs aim of long-term net-zero goal
NBIM reveals in talks with Climate Action 100+ on signing up
Swiss pension funds almost triple assets invested to cut CO2 emissions
Schemes have this year invested 22% of their assets based on active strategies leading to a reduction of CO2 emissions