8-10 September 2020, Online


Climate Bonds Conference 2020 in September is a must-attend online event for anyone looking to play a role in shaping the global green finance agenda in this new decade.
While we’ll be marking how far green finance has progressed in the last ten years, our gaze is firmly fixed towards 2030.

At Conference 2020 you’ll be a part of:

  • Exciting panel discussions in English with live interpretations in Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese with the most influential sustainable investment, ESG & green finance specialists
  • Using an award-winning event app you can watch the sessions on your desktop or on your mobile
  • Gaining insights into transition solutions, green finance markets and green growth outcomes
  • Understanding regulation directions to support harmonisation and mainstreaming green and climate investment in global and regional financial systems
  • Making your own contributions, building a shared understanding on a 2020s agenda of change, of urgency and action in scaling up mitigation, adaptation and resilience investment to trillion-dollar levels

Climate Bonds Initiative will mark its 10th Anniversary in 2020

Over the last decade, Climate Bonds has worked to mobilise the largest capital market of all, the $100 trillion bond market for climate change solutions. Much has been achieved in our first ten years. Yet the challenge remains undiminished and the climate emergency grows. Covid-19 has provided a stark pointer to the disruptive impacts of the future & the importance of strengthening social adaptation and resilience. The crisis has also shown that governments, regulators and the financial sector can respond far more quickly in change policy previously thought possible. Let’s apply that lesson to Transition.

At Conference2020 the Climate Bonds vision for the next ten years - the Transition Decade - will be open for online discussion and debate amongst investors, asset managers, policymakers and civil society stakeholders.

Will you join us?

2020 will also mark the fifth occasion of our Green Bond Awards, the most prestigious international acknowledgement of leadership and innovation in green bonds and green finance market development. Since 2016, 132 organisations and individuals have been recognized as pioneers for their contributions to green finance. Welcome to Climate Bonds Conference & Awards 2020.

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