All coronavirus articles – Page 5
Asset Class Reports
Emerging market equities – India & China
India and China offer a template to understand future perspectives in light of COVID-19
UK pension funds to warn savers of DB/DC transfers
TPR encourages members to take regulated advice to understand their retirement options
Super industry sees liquidity challenge as members switch to cash
COVID-19 has put a spotlight on liquidity
UK roundup: Engineering scheme completes buy-in
Plus: CMI assesses impact of COVID-19 on total UK deaths
ExxonMobil to fill €250m funding gap in Dutch pension fund
Payment is meant to raise the funding level of the €3bn Dutch segment of the ExxonMobil OFP to 100%
Singapore’s GIC creates private asset investing framework with PGIM
‘Liquidity risk one of the most critical, but least quantified risk dimensions in portfolio construction’
COVID-19 roundup: WTO, IMF voice concerns about trade restrictions
Bpifrance launches a COVID-19 response bond
German Pensionskassen may need further regulatory relief
BaFin has already approved seven applications to cut pension benefits
Nordic duo invests in World Bank’s €1bn COVID 19-linked bond issue
As first investor to sign up, Danish fund puts SEK4bn into SEK-denominated bonds
EIOPA crisis words for national pension supervisors reassure
EU supervisory authority also extends IORP data reporting deadlines
Norwegian scheme lends staff to help with jobless applications
With its own operations now back to normal, SPK offers 12 case workers to help welfare agency NAV tackle increase in unemployment benefit applications
UK roundup: Aon on dwindling DB actuarial valuations
Plus: Barnett Waddingham on inflation and Mercer’s Financial Wellbeing hub
Q1 pulls down Swiss corporate pension scheme funding by 7%-points
Corporate bond yield increase partially offsets asset decline
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Coronabias and the fat tail
Behavioural science has done a marvellous job of pointing out the mistakes most human beings make in estimating probability
LCP sees ‘net neutral’ COVID-19 effect on 2020 buy-in/out volumes
Consultancy estimates £25bn of deals this year
TELA: Ageing Finland can’t afford prolonged unemployment
Suvi-Anne Siimes says a rapid economic recovery is essential for pensions financing in Finland
Investors urge pharmas to fight against virus
New investments in research and development should take priority in order to prevent new pandemics
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: The positive impact scorecard
The private sector is discovering positive ways to support the response to COVID-19
COVID-19 makes Swiss occupational pension reform increasingly urgent
The coronavirus crisis has forced an extension on the reform consultation until May 29
Crisis measures to cut Finnish pensions contribution income by €1bn
Earnings-related pension system could be hit from several angles as a result of pandemic, according to Finnish Centre for Pensions’ director