EFAMA’s Bernard Delbecque was voted the chair of the new EIOPA Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG) at its inaugural meeting last week.

Delbecque is senior director for economics and research at the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA).

Aleksandra Mączyńska, executive director at retail investor lobby group Better Finance, and Falco Valkenburg, vice-chair of the Actuarial Association of Europe, were elected as the OPSG’s vice-chairs.

With 19 new members on board, the OPSG began its new two-and-a-half year term last month.

Delbecque and Valkenburg were members of the previous OPSG, which was chaired by Matti Leppälä, general secretary of PensionsEurope, while Mączyńska is a new member.

Like its counterpart for the insurance industry, the OPSG advises EIOPA on regulation and the development of technical standards, guidelines and recommendations. It can also submit opinions and advice on any issue related to EIOPA’s tasks.

The stakeholder groups are also supposed to notify EIOPA of inconsistent application of EU laws and any inconsistent supervisory practices in different member states.

Member Nationality Organisation Representing 
Alf Alviniussen Norway  Small treasury consulting and investment company SMEs 
Moses Azzopardi  Malta  Maltese Association of Pensioners  Beneficiaries 
Francesco  Briganti Italy  Cross Border Benefits Alliance Europe  Pension funds 
Bernard Delbecque Belgium  EFAMA  Professional associations 
Valdemar Duarte  Portugal  Ocidental Pensões  Pension funds 
Senka Fekeža Klemen  Croatia  Erste Ltd Pension funds 
Bruno Gabellieri  France  European Association of Paritarian Institutions  Employees 
José Carlos Gómez Fernández  Spain  Spanish Consumer Association  Beneficiaries 
Christian Gülich Germany  German Consumer Association  Beneficiaries 
Olav Jones  UK  Insurance Europe Pension funds 
Kęstutis Kupšys  Lithuania  Alliance of Lithuanian Consumer Organisations  Beneficiaries 
Christian Lemaire  France  Amundi Pension Fund  Pension funds 
Sue Lewis  UK  The People’s Pension  Beneficiaries 
Elisa Luciano  Italy  University of Torino  Academics 
Aleksandra Mączyńska Poland  Better Finance  Beneficiaries 
Sonia Maffei  Italy  Assogestioni  Professional associations 
John Maher  Ireland  Waterford Institute of Technology  Academics 
Flavia Micilotta  Italy  Eurosif  Professional associations 
Jerry Moriarty  Ireland  PensionsEurope  Pension funds 
Stefan Nellschen  Germany  Bayer Pensionskasse  Pension funds 
Philip Neyt  Belgium  PensioPlus  Pension funds 
John O’Quigley Ireland Independent pension scheme trustee Employees
Cătălin Oroviceanu Romania Romanian Association of Participants in Pension Funds and Investment Funds Beneficiaries
Sibylle Reichert Germany PensioenFederatie Pension funds
Michael Reiner Austria University of Vienna Academics
Philippe Seidel France/Germany AGE Platform Europe Benficiaries
Falco Valkenburg Netherlands Actuarial Association of Europe Professional associations
Fieke van der Lecq Netherlands Vrije Universteit Amsterdam Academics
Hans van Meerten Netherlands University of Utrecht Academics
Ann-Marie Wancke Widemar Sweden Alecta Pension funds