Investment consultancy Frank Russell has moved Don Ezra from its US head office to London as director of European consulting.
Ezra says his role will be to help build a bigger presence for Russell in the London market. Russell does not have a major presence yet in London."
The emphasis will be concentrated on developing London rather than continental Europe, he adds. The company has three office in continental Europe, but unlike other consultancies, it is not thinking about any more. "We are not part of that drive," he says.
One reason is that there is limited demand in those markets for the kind of pensions consulting that is traditional in the UK.
Ezra sees the investment consultancy activities building on the company's activities as "a manager re-search house, where we are very well known". About 10 of the 50 people Russell has involved fulltime in manager reasearch worldwide are based in London. He also hope to develop a practice in the area of fiduciary responsibilty."
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