Hermes Investment Management, UK Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, GAM, Jupiter Asset Management, Kempen Capital Management, PGGM, Forsikring & Pension, Russell Investments, Legal & General Investment Management

Hermes Investment ManagementWill Pomroy, the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association’s policy lead on stewardship, has left the industry group for a role at Hermes. Pomroy joined Hermes Investment Management, the asset manager wholly owned by the BT Pension Scheme, earlier this month. The UK pension association has hired Luke Hildyard to fill the vacancy left by Pomroy’s departure, who was until last week the deputy director of the High Pay Centre, a think tank researching the impact of pay disparity between high and low-income roles in the UK.

GAM – The active investment manager has appointed Mark Willmott to lead its UK institutional business. He will be responsible for GAM’s institutional business, including distribution and relationship management for investors and consultants. He joins from Jupiter Asset Management, where he spent seven years as director of institutional business. Before then, he was head of institutional business development at Royal London Asset Management.

Forsikring & PensionSøren Boe Mortensen has been appointed chairman of Danish pensions and insurance association Forsikring & Pension, following the association’s general meeting on 12 November. Boe Mortensen is chief executive at Danish financial services group Alm Brand. He is replacing Christian Sagild, chief executive at insurer Topdanmark, as head of the association’s supervisory board. Sagild’s two-year term as chairman has come to an end.

Russell InvestmentsAndrew Rankin has been appointed as an implementation portfolio manager, joining from Legal & General Investment Management, where he was a project manager within the transition team. Before then, he worked with the transition services divisions at Cardano and Barclays Global Investors.

Kempen Capital ManagementJorrit Arissen has been appointed as senior portfolio manager on Kempen’s real estate team, as of 1 November. Arissen joins from PGGM, where he worked for the last six years as senior portfolio manager in the global real estate team at PGGM Investments, focusing on North American and European listed real estate. Before then, he worked at F&C Asset Management and APG Asset Management. In 2003, he started his career as a researcher at the European Public Real Estate Association.