All greenwashing articles – Page 4
BaFin applies stricter rules on asset managers to fight greenwashing
Asset managers to disclose essential and clear information to investors regarding gas and nuclear sectors
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: New UK government taskforce signals importance of ESG
There has been substantial progress in climate-related and governance issues, but social factors, have not always received as much attention.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Definition conundrum not a reason to ditch ESG
The difficulty of measuring ESG criteria should not be a reason to ditch the term altogether, according to the Dutch pension federation
Tilting is more constructive than divesting of ‘brown’ stocks, says Edmans
Blanket exclusion of irresponsible industries rarely leads to improved ESG performance
‘Where are we now?’: Reflecting on the journey of sustainable finance
‘Planning for transition is increasingly understood to be needed at all levels, that’s a big shift,’ says UK’s Transition Plan Taskforce
HSBC AM’s global head of responsible investing quits
Kirk has been gathering a group of like-minded individuals to deliver ‘what is arguably the greatest sustainable investment idea ever conceived’
On the record: Are asset managers serious about sustainability?
After a series of cases of alleged greenwashing by asset managers, institutional investors comment on whether the industry is truly committed to sustainable investing
BaFin to tackle greenwashing but guidelines on hold
Guidelines are on hold as the current environment is not sufficiently stable for long-lasting regulations, BaFin says
Analysis: Stuart Kirk and the ‘fault line in the ESG debate’
Asset managers need to recognise that ESG investing goes beyond financial impact, says independent adviser
DWS offices raided on suspicion of greenwashing
Public prosecutor found ‘sufficient factual indications’ practice did not match info in sales prospectuses
EU securities watchdog delivers anti-greenwashing supervisory briefing
Briefing described as ‘to-do list’ for national supervisors on how best to deal with greenwashing in asset management
US SEC proposes asset management ESG disclosure rules
US regulator wants ’consistent and comparable’ disclosures to fight greenwashing
Greenwashing fight a priority for ESMA in new roadmap
EU watchdog emphasises need for shared understanding of greenwashing and identifying it under the SFDR
Commission taxonomy decision lamented as political, creating confusion
The Dutch Pension Federation is calling on the European Parliament to reject the Commission’s proposal to include natural gas and nuclear energy in the taxonomy
German investors take pragmatic approach to upcoming EU Taxonomy
Due to high greenhouse gas emissions, gas will not be attractive for some climate funds, says BayernInvest
Investors react to Commission’s Taxonomy move on nuclear, gas
Additional complexity bemoaned, importance of good disclosure of energy sources highlighted
EC drafts proposal for green classification for nuclear, gas
Commission also said it would amend taxonomy disclosure rules ‘so investors can make an informed choice’
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: EU must not become climate laggard over taxonomy
Andreas Hoepner criticises a proposal to raise the taxonomy-admissibility threshold for natural gas to 270gms CO2 e/kWh
DACH roundup: Swiss SIX Exchange launches digital assets trading platform
Plus: Swiss cabinet’s anti greenwashing stance; BaFin’s goals and pension funds’ stats; Actuaries on Solvency II
Pension funds wanted for manager anti-greenwashing standards
Signatories commit to using the declaration’s eight minimum standards in investment manager reviews and tenders to help establish them as market norms