All Guest Viewpoint articles – Page 12
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Francesco Briganti, EBWI Employee Benefits and Welfare Institute
It is widely known that EIOPA is studying the possibility of a new EU legal framework for a pan-European occupational defined contribution pension regime
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Philip Shier - Society of Actuaries in Ireland
One of the objectives of the European Commission in the revision of the IORP Directive was to enhance the information provided to prospective members, members and beneficiaries of IORPs
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Rory Murphy - Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund
Pensions are by their nature long-term and this can often lead to an acceptance of inertia because “this is how we have always done it”. But in today’s world this is no longer good enough
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Guest Viewpoint: Rudyard Ekindi
”Asset managers are from Mars, asset owners are from Venus”
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Cllr Kieran Quinn
“The UK local government pension investment regulations are a step in the right direction”
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Guest Viewpoint: Jon Little - Northill Capital
“Successful managers are hard to find but those that do exist generally share some common characteristics”
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Chris Curry - Pensions Policy Institute
The pensions world is constantly changing. In the UK, more DC savers, coupled with recently introduced flexibility of access, will increase the levels of risk and complexity for many
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Guest Viewpoint: Peter Kraneveld - International Pensions Adviser
Pension funds are not about politics, but their investment portfolios include political risk
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Ros Altmann - Former UK pensions minister
“It is time the authorities addressed the serious side effects of monetary policy on UK pensions”
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Guest Viewpoint: Dan Waters - ICI Global
“Easier, cheaper fund distribution would help build stronger capital markets”
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Guest Viewpoint: Alfred Gohdes - Willis Towers Watson
“The cost for a German young person to provide for a pension has roughly tripled since 2008”
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Guest Viewpoint: Peter Kraneveld – International Pensions Adviser
“Let’s stop using the term de-risking altogether and use the right words for what we are doing”
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Heribert Karch, MetallRente
A few months ago, if someone had asked me to tell them about Deutschland-Rente (Germany-pension), I would have attempted to explain our state pension system to them
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Guest Viewpoint: Chris Woods - FTSE Russell
“If China were to be classified as an emerging market today, the impact would be substantial”
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Saker Nusseibeh - Hermes Investment Management
“Carbon risk is more of an issue for investors today than ever… But most fail to take it properly into account”
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Guest Viewpoint: Debbie Harrison & Dr David Black - Cass Business School
We predict that a revolution will take place in the UK life company sector over the next five years in terms of its involvement in private-sector pension provision
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Guest Viewpoint: Peter de Proft & Alexander Schindler - EFAMA
The Action Plan for a Capital Markets Union, recently published by the European Commission, is both ambitious and sensible
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Mark Fawcett - National Employment Savings Trust (UK)
It is early days for the UK’s new pension regime under which DC savers no longer have to buy an annuity. However, there are already lessons to be learned from the reforms.
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Philip Neyt - Belgian Association of Pension Institutions
Notwithstanding further reforms, most EU member states have improved the efficiency and financial affordability of their first-pillar pension systems
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Jason Hsu - Research Affiliates
“A public hanging is a good thing now and then.” These are the words of an anonymous CEO whose sentiment would indicate that the firm he led was probably struggling to meet the service and performance expectations of its clients