EUROPE – Your chance to place your vote for the Outstanding Industry Contribution in European pensions.

The Outstanding Industry Contribution Award will be presented at the next IPE European Pension Fund Awards in Zurich on November 30. It will reward an individual, a team of an organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to the European pensions marketplace since January 2004.

Please email your TOP THREE choices to:

22 contestants have been selected and are shortlisted below:

Terry Faulkner, NAPF
Universities Superannuation Scheme
Xavier de Bayse, I.D.E.A.M.
Alan Pickering, EFRP
Krzysztof Pater, Poland
VB, Dutch Industry-Wide association
Jan-Mikael Bexhed, Skandia
Oskar Leutwiler, PWC Switzerland
Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites, France
Innovest Strategic Investors
BVK, Germany
Daniel Just & André Heimrich, BVK
Aart Jan de Geus, Netherlands
Irish Financial Services Authority
Bert Ruerup, Germany
Charlie McCreevy, Ireland
Franck Vandenbroucke, Belgium
Roberto Maroni, Italy
European Court of Justice
Eurosif, European Social Investment Forum
Per Bremer Rasmussen, Denmark
EFRP, European Federation for Retirement Provision