IPE publishes Top 1000 European pension funds
EUROPE – IPE has published its annual Top 1000 European pension fund supplement, which shows that Europe’s leading pension funds have come through relatively unchanged in terms of assets.
Total assets of the Top 1000 came to 2.34 trillion euros, a shade under last year’s 2.35 trillion euros. The figures are a combination of the Top 750 continental funds, including Iceland and Ireland, and the Top 250 UK funds.
“That the asset base reflects virtually no change in total assets has to be a reflection of what has been difficult investment conditions despite the recovery in the equity markets,” said IPE Editor Fennell Betson.
The largest fund in Europe remains Dutch civil service scheme Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP, up to 156 billion euros from 135.5 billion euros a year ago. The Norwegian Petroleum Fund is the second largest at 111.2 billion euros with Sweden’s AP buffer funds in third slot with a combined 65.6 billion euros.
The largest UK scheme is British Telecom at 34.3 billion euros, down from 48.8 billion euros. The Universities Superannuation Scheme is in second place at 29.0 billion euros while the Coal industry scheme is third largest.
The 40-page supplement includes comments from Europe’s leading pension schemes on how they are managing their investment strategy in the light of the economic and regulatory environment. And the report contains detailed analyses of the situation in each country.
The supplement is published alongside the new September issue of IPE. For more information, please contact Emma Morgan-Jones on (44) 20 7261 4617 or via email: morgan.jones@ipe.com
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