IPE's CEE Coverage – Page 4
Swiss pension funds deal with prospect of undervalued Russian assets
Several Swiss pension schemes – which have small exposures to Russian assets – are examining how to proceed
Finland’s financial watchdog tightens scrutiny amid crisis-linked uncertainty
FSA warns financial actors to keep protective measures against cyber threats up to date
UK pensions regulator issues trustee guidance on conflict in Ukraine
TPR said trustees should be vigilant and talk to their advisers, and outlines other points to consider
AP7, PFZW join list of pension funds stating Russia divestment intent
Trading environment may mean divestment decisions are largely theoretical for the time being
Norway SWF’s NOK27bn Russia assets lose 90% of value, may become worthless
GPFG nurses 6.1% loss so far this year, as NBIM leadership emphasises uncertain outlook in news conference
ABP next Dutch fund to announce intention to divest Russian assets
Dutch pension schemes had a €5bn total exposure to Russia at the end of last year
Investors battle with volatility, inflation while repositioning assets following sanctions
While inflationary pressures mount as the ECB plans to scale back quantitative easing, geopolitical risks remain very difficult to assess
Pension schemes move to sell Russian assets amid trading obstacles
UK’s USS, NEST and BTPS, in addition to Publica in Switzerland and Bpf Bouw in the Netherlands have all decided to divest from Russian assets
Norway’s SWF given fortnight to come up with Russia exit plan
Finance minister warns NOK30bn divestment could take some time, given Russia’s ban on equity sales
Asset managers grapple with impact of tough sanctions on Russia
Fitch has announced that 10 Russia-focused and emerging market investment funds with AUM of €4.2bn have suspended redemptions
European investors continue to shed Russian assets as sanctions increase
Uncertainty, volatility and financial sanctions for Russia, but still good global economic growth
Institutional investors adjust portfolios as war in Ukraine begins
The Stoxx Europe 600 lost up to 4.2% following reports on the invasion
ESG policies shield Dutch pension funds from Ukraine war fall-out
Four of the five largest schemes in the country have excluded investments in Russian government bonds
Danish pension fund vows to divest Russia holdings if invades Ukraine
‘Right now, Russia is a millimetre away from landing in quarantine,’ says AkademikerPension CEO
Country Report
Country Report – Pensions in Central & Eastern Europe (January 2022)
A combination of poor policy decisions and conservative asset allocations have conspired to stifle the development of supplementary pensions in the CEE region since the widespread adoption of the World Bank’s three-pillar model in the 1990s, as IPE Editor Liam Kennedy writes in this issue.
Country Report
M&A reshapes CEE pensions market
Some European insurance groups are retreating from the CEE region, while others are snapping up assets. All this is reshaping pillar-two pensions
Country Report
Poland’s slow start on pensions
Poland’s automatic enrolment programme continues to suffer from an endemic lack of trust
Country Report
Interview: Dace Ljusa
After 18 years as CEO of Latvia’s SEB Pension Fund, Dace Ljusa has just stepped down. She is now turning her sights to developing a strong corporate governance ethic throughout her home country and the Baltics
Opinion Pieces
Lacklustre pensions in an innovative CEE region
Capital funded pension systems across the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries have suffered from poor policy decisions over the years. These have included suspensions or reductions to contributions and even transfers of assets from individual accounts to the state.