Katarzyna Gontarczyk

  • Moves to ensure payouts on time
    Country Report

    Moves to ensure payouts on time

    January 2009 (Magazine)

    Poland dragged its heels on some key elements of its pension reform and now it is catching up. Katarzyna Gontarczyk details the latest developments

  • Moves to ensure payouts on time
    Country Report

    Moves to ensure payouts on time

    January 2009 (Magazine)

    Poland dragged its heels on some key elements of its pension reform and now it is catching up. Katarzyna Gontarczyk details the latest developments

  • News

    Protestors occupy pensions ministry


    POLAND – Polish trade unionists occupied the ministry of labour and social policy on Wednesday and Thursday in protest against the government's legislation to introduce bridge pensions.

  • News

    Polish payout bills get first reading


    POLAND – Two bills intended to complete Poland's pension reform had their first reading in the Polish Parliament on Friday and will now be passed to the parliamentary social insurance committee.

  • News

    Poland to bridge early retirement gap


    POLAND - The ministry of labour and social policy has presented a draft law on the delivery of ‘bridging pensions’, a new element of the Polish pension system intended to eliminate the early retirement benefits that are still available to a large number of people.