Latest Austria News
Austria’s pension funds deliver 7.8% for 2024
Last year’s returns marked the best result in the last four years after 6.4% in 2023 and a significantly negative return of -9.7% in 2022
Austria’s think tank calls for increase in retirement age
A pension reform increasing the retirement age would help to make the pension system financially sustainable
Austria’s BVK sees 10% rise in AUM
Provident funds’ assets under management grew by €834.16m, or 4.21%, quarter-on-quarter in Q3
Amundi builds on multi-layer private markets strategy for DACH region
The next steps in Amundi’s private markets strategy in Germany are to promote ‘healthy growth’ among institutional investors and double AUM to €5bn in the next 3 years
Austrian pension system needs DC plans boost, says Mercer
The country continues to struggle with difficult age trends in the pay-as-you-go system, making it more difficult to finance Austria’s pension system, says CFA Austria
Bonus Pensionskasse takes over fair-finance provident fund
Bonus will integrate fair-finance in the provident fund Bonus Vorsorgegasse
Austrian schemes’ exposure to capital markets leads to 4% returns in H1
Austrian occupational pension funds have increased their exposure to equities and bonds since 2023 with a geographical focus on the US and Europe
What’s next for Austria on pensions policy
‘A reform of the pension system and a rapid expansion of company pension schemes is essential for the economy,’ says Andreas Zakostelsky
Bonus Pensionskasse cuts European and EM equities to boost returns
The scheme’s performance benefitted from reshuffling regional equity allocations, with a more robust weight to global equities
Austrian pension funds see AUM soar by 3.03%
FMA’s latest quarterly report shows that Pensionskassen AUM for Q1 2024 stood at €27.18bn, having increased by €800m
New head for Austria’s pension advisory board after three-year vacancy
Christine Mayrhuber took over the position this month from its former head Walter Pöltner
Austrian hotels partner with VBV to offer occupational pensions to workers
Association is convinced that occupational pension offers – which are still rare in Austria in general and in the tourism industry in particular – will help attract more staff
Austrian Pensionskassen increase AUM close to record high
In Q4 2023 alone assets under management increased by € 1.21bn, says Financial Market Authority
Sustainability is becoming more expensive, say Austrian pension funds
‘We have been ‘living’ sustainability for a while now but it is costing more and more money,’ says Bundespensionskasse board member
APK pension funds record above-average returns in 2023
APK’s Pensionskasse and Vorsorgekasse post 7.9% returns, above the Austrian average of 6.42%
Austria’s largest pension fund reports performance range of 5% to 7.5%
‘We want to break with the tradition of boiling all our different strategies and risk models down to one figure,’ says Günther Schiendl
Austrian pension funds association calls for mandatory company pensions
The Austrian population will grow to reach 10 million in the 2060s, at the same time increasing pressure on the country’s pension system, says WKO
Austrian provident funds increase allocation to bonds, equities
FMA’s report also showed that the pension schemes reduced their allocation to real estate
Austrian funds’ assets return to growth to total €205bn
Assets managed by Austrian funds grew by 2.4%, or €4.9bn, year-to-date to €205.01bn, compared with €200bn recorded last year, according to FMA
Austrian pension funds increase exposure to bonds
Pension funds returned 1.88% in the first nine months of 2023, and -1.34% in the third quarter of the year