All Letter from the US articles – Page 2

  • Jonathan-Headshot
    Opinion Pieces

    US: A cautious approach on private assets in DC plans

    July/August 2022 (Magazine)

    Will 2022 be the year when private equity is finally incorporated in US defined contribution (DC) plan line-ups? Possibly, following the Department of Labor’s (DoL’s) clarification of its position in a letter last December. But it will be a very slow process, according to industry experts.

  • Screenshot 2022-05-30 at 15.24.11
    Opinion Pieces

    US: Fidelity’s retirement account crypto move raises concerns

    June 2022 (Magazine)

    Even six months ago it looked like crypto investing was not going to become mainstream any time soon in 401(k) plans – and since then Bitcoin has halved in value. But the market’s sentiment and trend are changing very quickly. So much so that Fidelity Investments has now become the first major retirement-plan provider to allow investors to add a Bitcoin account to their 401(k). The move was announced in late April.

  • Linda-Eling Lee
    Opinion Pieces

    US: The SEC’s new climate disclosure rule is a watershed

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    Most investors, asset managers and consultants look like they are in favour. 

  • Brad Lander - IPE April 2022
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: US pension funds decide on Russian holdings

    April 2022 (Magazine)

    “We support efforts at all levels of government and across the public and private sectors, which include cross-functional and multi-agency partnerships, to divest State Treasury and pension funds from investments in Russian-domiciled companies. We are committed to taking steps that include divesting as soon as possible to have the quickest and most meaningful impact on this tragic situation.”

  • Letter from US - Craig Slaughter
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: ESG faces backlash in some US states over fossil fuels

    March 2022 (Magazine)

    Is there a backlash against the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing movement? 

  • Gregg Levinson
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Upcoming court ruling could create complications for DC plan sponsors

    February 2022 (Magazine)

    By the first half of this year, the United States Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision that could affect the defined-contribution (DC) industry. The case is Hughes vs Northwestern University, one of about 150 similar class-action lawsuits filed nationally in the past few years, alleging that plan fiduciaries breached their duty of prudence under ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

  • Jay_Kloepfer_2019_highres
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Liquidity tops the agenda for US pension plans

    January 2022 (Magazine)

    Monitoring and managing liquidity will be a major issue for many US pension funds in 2022. The risk of a liquidity crunch affects public systems above all, but corporate plans are not immune.

  • Daniil Shapiro-4.9.19
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Crypto currencies gain a toe-hold in America’s 401(k) retirement plans

    December 2021 (Magazine)

    Crypto investing is not going to become mainstream any time soon in 401(k) plans. But the US retirement market is becoming more and more sophisticated – investors are becoming interested in digital assets, and asset managers, platform providers and consultants are all developing digital products and services.

  • Lawrence Bacow
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: University endowments setting the pace on fossil fuel divestment

    November 2021 (Magazine)

    US university and college endowments control more than $600bn (€517bn) of investments. Their policies often influence the behaviour of public pensions. So it is interesting to see whether Harvard’s recent decision to end its investments in fossil fuels will be followed not only by other universities but also by retirement systems. 

  • Gary Gensler
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: SEC looks towards mandatory ESG disclosure by companies

    September 2021 (Magazine)

    October will be an important month for investors and corporations as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will then propose new rules on climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. 

  • In Wisconsin employees and employers share the actuarially determined contribution
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Hybrid plans in focus

    July/August 2021 (Magazine)

    The move from defined benefit (DB) pension plans to defined contribution (DC) has been ongoing for years in the US, both in the private and public sector. But more recently many state and local governments have adopted hybrid designs. 

  • The attractive performance of cryptocurrencies is raising interest in their use as an alternative investment strategy
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: The rise of the new alternatives

    June 2021 (Magazine)

    Pension funds and other institutional investors used to invest in hedge funds aspiring to outperform public stock and bond benchmarks. Now, after years of disappointing performances, they have changed their attitude. They still invest in hedge funds, but the new expectation is simply to get a few percentage points above the return on zero risk investments. 

  • Alicia Munnell
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Aid without reform set to resolve the multi-employer pension plan crisis

    May 2021 (Magazine)

    Until March, The prospective collapse of multi-employer pension plans meant that over one million retired truck drivers, shop assistants, builders and other members of 186 schemes were at risk of losing their retirement benefits. 

  • Emily Swenson Brock
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Pension bonds raise concerns

    April 2021 (Magazine)

    The resurgence of interest in pension obligation bonds (POBs) is one of the effects of the pandemic on the US pension funds industry. Indeed in 2020 POB issuance reached its highest level in a decade, exceeding $6bn (€5bn), according to Municipal Market Analytics (MMA), an independent research firm focusing on the US municipal bonds.

  • Corporate America is facing a series of resolutions related to climate change and social justice at its AGMs
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: COVID and racial justice to the fore

    March 2021 (Magazine)

    The 2021 proxy season’s hot issues are human capital management related to COVID-19 and social justice. Several large US public pension funds are at the forefront of these campaigns together with non-profit shareholder advocacy organisations like the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and As You Sow, a non-profit foundation that promotes corporate accountability.

  • Kevin McKechnie
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: HSAs set to build on popularity

    February 2021 (Magazine)

    The Health Savings Account (HSA) is becoming increasingly popular as a retirement savings vehicle in the US. The new Biden presidency and the now Democrat controlled Congress are likely to accentuate this trend in 2021 and beyond.

  • Beth Ashmore
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Don’t anticipate radical reform

    January 2021 (Magazine)

    The new Joe Biden administration is unlikely to revolutionise US pension plans, but it could broaden the base of workers able to join defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. It may also cancel recent rules and return to the previous regulations set under Barack Obama.

  • Jon Pliner
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: COVID-19 places new demands on university endowments

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    COVID-19 has hit a special category of institutional investors in the US hard – college and university endowments. In fact, higher education institutions are facing a decline in revenues because of fewer students enrolling and paying tuition, as well as current students asking for more financial aid. Colleges and universities are withdrawing substantial amounts from their endowments to cover these extra expenses. How is this affecting endowments’ investment strategies? 

  • Gold investment returns to favour
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Gold investment returns to favour

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    “Negative real interest rates and unconventional monetary policies have been the catalyst of the new-found interest in gold,” says Jim McKee, a gold expert at Callan’s alternatives consulting group. 

  • CalPERS’s headquarters in Sacremento, California
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: All eyes on CalPERS as CIO quits

    October (2020) Magazine

    The $405bn (€342bn) California Public Employee’ Retirement System (CalPERS) is the bellwether of US public pension funds.