All Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) articles – Page 16
London CIV adds multi-asset, researches equity, fixed income mandates
Next few months could see rapid expansion of pooled funds available to London’s public pensions
Managers dropped as Local Pensions Partnership launches sub-fund
Pooling leads to several external managers being dropped as three given larger mandates
UK's ACCESS pool seeks market input for external operator search
Pool mulls tender for third-party company to manage collective investment structure
Hillingdon drops SSgA for LGIM on index-tracking mandate
Pension fund cites desire to cut management costs
Lothian, Falkirk consider deepening investment collaboration
Scottish local authority funds set to build on joint infrastructure mandate
UK government 'not directing' LGPS infrastructure investment
Local government minister addresses concerns about interference in debate with MPs
Private sector tie-up an option for confident Local Pensions Partnership
LPP likely to bid for Wales LGPS asset pool operator mandate
National LGPS framework targets State Street replacement and more [updated]
Local authorities gearing up to seek performance, cost-monitoring services
UK roundup: Suffolk LGPS, BMW UK, Cameron Hume, Pemberton
Suffolk Pension Fund returns 0.7%, while BMW plans to close UK DB schemes
Waltham Forest PF becomes first LGPS fund to divest fossil fuels
UK local government pension fund has £23.9m in oil, gas
UK government guidance alters pooling course 'for better' – LAPFF
Association welcomes guidance on investment regulations for local government pension schemes
LGPS will be 'scratching their heads' on investment-regulation guidance
Industry figures question government’s powers of intervention
UK government lifts lid on new LGPS investment regulations
DCLG publishes guidance before introducing regulations later this year
Mandate roundup: Norfolk, National LGPS Framework, Bærum
Norfolk County Council tenders framework agreement to provide passive investment management services
Berkshire to join LPFA/GMPF infrastructure pooling platform
Local authority fund set to join infrastructure fund after deciding to pool with Local Pensions Partnership
Welsh LGPS pool gears up for third party operator search
Eight Welsh funds remain open to launching own tax-transparent fund at a later date
UK government actuary says solvency plan needed for LGPS schemes
‘Dry run’ actuarial report on public sector schemes flags up valuation inconsistencies
London councils set to merge pension funds
Councils push ahead with merger amid attempts to save £20m
London CIV to hold over one-third of assets outside pooling structure
Pooling vehicle for London local authorities expects to see staffing levels double in coming years
Central LGPS pool eyes third-party investment management role
UK local government pension scheme asset pool aims to offer services to other institutional investors