All Longevity articles – Page 5

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Time to get the tradesmen in

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    With buyout deals and pipelines buoyant as more DB schemes close to future accrual and sponsors bite the cost bullet, Pádraig Floyd asks whether the short trend for ‘DIY’ has already run its course

  • Special Report

    Longevity: A healthier way to de-risk

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Trustees could secure big savings by de-risking through medically-underwritten bulk purchase annuities, argues Debbie Harrison. That could mean the difference between affordability and unaffordability

  • Special Report

    Longevity: The second fiscal crisis

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Unchallenged, the projected costs of ageing in Europe are truly terrifying. But Douglas Renwick and Eugene Chiam point to potentially significant long-term mitigation that can – and has – come from reforms

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Living longer, costing more

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    In 1985, for every person turning 65, there were 10 new people of working age. According to estimates from the UN, by 2040, for every person turning 65, there will be less than one additional person in the 20-64 years age groupage

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Back to first principles

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Andrew Hunt and David Blake present a new, general procedure for constructing mortality models that unbundles the age, period and cohort dimensions in the data, resulting in better understanding of historic changes in mortality and more reliable forecasts of future mortality rates

  • Longevity: The great age of divestment
    Special Report

    Longevity: The great age of divestment

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Martin Steward looks at evidence for the demographic ‘asset meltdown’ theory, some investment strategy implications – and the major caveats attached to putting too much store in it

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Lives of the SAINTs

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    At four million, the small population of Denmark is not a reliable dataset for longevity projections. Rachel Fixsen finds out how ATP went global for a better model

  • Longevity: Live long… and prosper?
    Special Report

    Longevity: Live long… and prosper?

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    Individual circumstances can make a decade of difference to how long we live after retirement. As Sarah Harper, Kenneth Howse and Steven Baxter observe, this makes simply raising the retirement age inequitable

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Will you still feed me?

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    Improving longevity is clearly a problem on the liabilities side of the balance sheet. Martin Steward looks at it as an opportunity on the assets side, both to generate return and offset risk

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Uncertain life expectancies

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    In the Netherlands, sharply rising life expectancies have been an issue since 2009. Every pension fund is using its own numbers, and the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) forecasts diverge from the Dutch Actuarial Association’s. André de Vos tries to sort the confusion

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Beyond buyout and buy-in

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    The time seems right to develop an international secondary market for longevity risk that allows pension funds to deal with the downside of longer lives, writes Mariska van der Westen

  • Special Report

    Longevity: Age concerns

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    In Europe, Germany faces the most pressure to deal with an ageing population finds Jonathan Williams