Maarten van Wijk
Maarten van Wijk is editor in chief, online, at Pensioen Pro, IPE’s Dutch sister publication
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Disinformation could mar DC transition ballots, fear Dutch pension trustees
Pension funds resist a proposal for mandatory fund-level ballots on the DC transition, fearing it will result in a no-vote because of the question’s complexity
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Achmea and Sixth Street merge to enter Dutch buyout market
The joint venture comes months after Lifetri, an insurer owned by Sixth Street, pulled out of the Dutch buyout market following a lack of success due to its small size
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Ahold Delhaize buys off sponsor guarantee for pension fund
The move is related to the fund’s planned transition to a DC arrangement in 2027
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BP to repatriate Dutch pensions from Belgium
The fund is also considering a buyout to a Dutch insurer for its Belgium-based DB accruals
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First Dutch pension fund gets go-ahead for DC switch
The pension fund for Dutch shipping pilots is the first to receive regulator’s blessing to convert DB accruals to new DC arrangement as of 1 January 2025
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Dutch pension admin costs up 13% in 2023
Pension funds blame the upcoming transition to DC arrangements for the cost rise
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Dutch funds risk €18bn bill if pension transition called off, says PwC
Dutch pension funds would have to shoulder the cost of running expensive legacy DB systems for decades to come, the accountant warns
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Dutch wholesalers fund to give members individual choice on DC switch
The fund’s decision aligns with MP Agnes Joseph, a former actuary, who is advocating freedom of choice for pension fund members
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Booking.com to join Dutch pension fund, court rules
The costs for the travel agency to join PGB retroactively from 1999 may amount to more than €400m
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Aegon compensates customers for inappropriate interest rate hedge hike
The insurer had increased the interest rate hedge of a pension product with an offensive risk profile from 45% to 85% in the summer of 2021
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Dutch pensions minister warns against consequences of referendums
New political party NSC, which is currently in negotiations to form a government, wants all pension funds to organise a referendum on the transition from DB to DC
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Pension reform to continue despite election result, says Dutch minister
According to Carola Schouten, pension funds and their administrators must continue preparing for the switch to DC
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Grandfathering option will make Dutch pension transition successful, says Agnes Joseph
The pension actuary turned politician has made the pension reforms a prominent topic in the campaign for parliamentary elections to be held this Wednesday
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DC negotiations at Dutch company schemes in deadlock
At many company pension funds, employers and trade unions are at loggerheads over the choice for either the solidarity or flexible DC arrangement
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Pension benefits rise by up to 30% in new DC system, says Dutch transport fund
Pensioenfonds Vervoer is the first fund to publish a detailed DC transition plan
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ABP postpones DC transition to 2027
The news comes shortly after pensions minister Carola Schouten moved the final date for pension funds to introduce DC arrangements to 1 January 2028
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Dutch DC pension accruals ‘relatively low’, says regulator
Some 65% of workers in DC plans have pension contributions of 10% or less of pensionable salaries
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Dutch pension federation slams over-inquisitive regulator over pension transition policy
DNB also gives itself excessive discretionary power to block the transition of pension funds to the new DC system, according to Pensioenfederatie
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Governance codes for Dutch pension boards to include cultural diversity
Currently, it is recommended pension funds have at least one woman and one person younger than 40 on their boards
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PFZW to increase pensions by 6%
The Dutch healthcare scheme did not award the maximum allowed indexation in order to protect its buffer