EUROPE - Danish financial services group Nykredit has awarded Standard Life Investments an €80m segregated European corporate bond portfolio.

The Nykredit portfolio - managed by head of investment grade Craig MacDonald - will be run in a similar fashion to the European Corporate Bond Fund Sicav.

The fund employs the Focus on Change philosophy, which aims to identify "opportunities" the market has not factored in.

Åsa Norrie, joint head of European business and head of the Nordic region for SLI, said the appointment came after a "rigorous" selection process and illustrated the strength and reputation of the company's fixed income capability in the region.

SLI currently manages more than €85bn in bonds worldwide.

In other news, investment consultant Kastor has tendered a $20m (€15.5m) large-cap equity mandate targeting Canada and the US on behalf of an unnamed institutional client, using IPE-Quest.

According to search QN1237, applicants should have at least $1bn in assets under management (AUM) for the mandate and $10bn for the firm.

The mandate also calls for a minimum track record of five years, with a 10-year record preferred.

Tracking error cannot exceed 8%.

Kastor said the investor would not consider offers for pooled vehicles, and the account will be managed on a segregated mandate basis.

Interested parties should submit performance, gross of fees, to the end of March.

The closing date for application is 28 May.

Meanwhile, in IPE-Quest search QN1238, Kastor is also on the lookout for a real estate manager for a $10m global mandate.

The active mandate will employ the FTSE EPRA NAREIT DEVELOPED TR index as a benchmark.

Applicants should have at least $100m in AUM for the mandate and $2.5bn in AUM for the company.

The mandate calls for a minimum track record of three years, and preferably 10.

The investor will not consider investments in a pooled vehicle - only segregated mandates will be considered.

The closing date for applications is 28 May.

Lastly, the Nesta Trust has awarded Northern Trust a mandate to provide custody services for £345m (€431m) in charity assets.

Northern Trust said the mandate reflected its focus on the charities, foundations and endowments sectors, adding to previously announced mandates such as the £710m Health Foundation and the £881m National Trust.

The news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE-Quest tender notices to protect the interests of clients conducting the search. To obtain information directly from IPE-Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on +44 (0) 20 3465 9330 or email