Markets – Page 9
EIOPA calls for special rules on insurers’ fossil fuel assets to manage transition risks
EIOPA is proposing a 17% capital surcharge on fossil fuel equity holdings and up to 40% for related corporate bonds
Trump wins: US ‘looking golden’ over the long term, says GAM
Trump returning to the White House raises questions about the fate of the sustainability agenda
EU finance candidate to fight greenwashing and deepen capital markets
Maria Luís Albuquerque will provide a more detailed outline towards the end of the year
WHEB urges investors to be honest about unsuccessful corporate engagement
Report observes a tendency for many investors to take a ‘fire-and-forget’ approach to engagement
Increasing lump sum withdrawals weaken pension system, says Publica
Capital withdrawals upon retirement are becoming increasingly important throughout Switzerland
What happened at COP16?
Major deals were postponed at a UN summit as investors and the private sector busied themselves on the sidelines
Bayer Pensionskasse CEO calls for minimum standards for IORP liquidity risks
Stephan Nellshen said a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to dealing with liquidity risks, especially at the European level, would not work well
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: What if Trump wins?
International pensions expert Peter Kraneveld outlines a dark scenario
Investors ask EU to harmonise voting rights in SRD overhaul
ICGN letter also calls for more clarity around collaborative engagement and acting in concert
UBS/Credit Suisse asset management merger faces integration hurdles
Segregated mandates are significant stumbling block
ASIP warns of long-term socio-political consequences of increased lump sums
Pension capital withdrawals have increased sharply in the last decade, reaching CHF14.8bn (€15.8bn) in 2022, says Swisscanto
CPI net-zero tracker finds gap between pension fund’s climate commitments and action
ABP, AP Pension, Alecta and Pensioenfonds Detailhandel among 342 pension funds being tracked by new CPI net-zero finance tracker.
German institutional investors slowly return to hedge funds, liquid alternatives
This points to a ‘trend reversal, and an important signal for the industry that many have been waiting for years’, says BAI’s Philipp Bunnenberg
AUM of Italy’s first pillar schemes shoots up by 10%
Over the last 10 years, the AUM volume of Italian pension schemes has grown by €48.4bn, according to Covip
IPE Netherlands Briefing: ‘Early birds’ prepare for DC transition
Plus: GP fund Huisartsen announces its full divestment from fossil fuels; healthcare scheme PFZW sells all listed investments in Israel and other Middle Eastern countries
EU’s incoming finance Commissioner mulls new ‘sustainability-related categorisation system’
Maria Luís Albuquerque has been nominated as the next commissioner for financial services, financial stability and the Capital Markets Union
Swiss government thumped for plan to reform voluntary savings system
Plan to abolish tax incentives in occupational and private pensions is part of austerity measures put forward by cabinet to save CHF3.5bn from 2027
AP7, USS, Church of England among 27 calling for urgent biodiversity action
Biodiversity loss is a ‘systemic risk which investors cannot avoid through diversification’, says AP7
Dutch pension funds should move to concentrated equity portfolios, says Eumedion
Schemes should also consider nominating a candidate for non-executive boards to strengthen ties with listed companies
Railpen, PLSA, CIPD call on FTSE350 companies for better workforce reporting
The trio says there is a need for more consistency and transparency in workforce reporting