Pam Atherton
- Features
Lessons learned from the Henderson debacle
The out-of-court settlement in Janaury between a group of 23 investors and Henderson Global Investors over the management of an ill-fated infrastructure fund is a salutary reminder of the difficulty investors face when trying to claim redress after investments turn sour.
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Pension funds accuse Henderson of 'delaying tactics' in court case
Two of three defendants in case have yet to respond to writ served at High Court last year.
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Henderson squares up for legal battle with pension funds
Source close to case says asset manager appeared to hope claimants would 'go away'.
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Loophole could exclude thousands of members UK PPF, says Hammonds
UK – A legal loophole that saw a pension scheme recently refused admission to the UK's Pension Protection Fund (PPF) must be addressed, or thousands of scheme members could be affected, law firm Hammonds has warned.
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UK PPF appoints LaSalle, CB Richard Ellis to global real estate mandates
UK – The UK Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has appointed La Salle Investment Management and CBRE Investors to develop its global real estate strategy.
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LPFA chief executive Taylor urges creation of new UK regulator, mergers of schemes
UK – The £3.8bn (€4.5bn) London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) has called for the creation of a new regulatory body to oversee the funding ratios of all local government pension schemes (LGPS).
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Quarter of UK businesses unprepared for auto-enrolment, says Aon Hewitt
UK – Nearly a quarter of UK businesses have not yet considered the implications of auto-enrolment on their schemes, according to new research from Aon Hewitt.
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Gartmore in speculation on Henderson bid
UK – The share price of investment manager Gartmore this morning slumped 9.3% from its Friday close following speculation that Henderson Global Investors would bid 95p per share to acquire the beleaguered manager before the end of the year.
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Ukraine bows to pressure from IMF to reform pension system
UKRAINE – President Viktor Yanukovych has promised to overhaul the Ukraine's pension system in a speech in Riga, following pressure from the IMF and the World bank for him to undertake urgent pension reform.
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F&C chairman criticises Sherborne attempt to oust him
UK – F&C Investments is facing a shareholder revolt to oust its chairman and one of its non-executive directors, according to reports.
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Universal state pension reforms delayed due to contracting-out
UK – The UK government's green paper outlining proposals for a universal, flat-rate state pension has been delayed, as it has been unable to meet its end-of-year planned consultation on radical state pension reforms.
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Pimco allows equity investments in shake up of Total Return bond fund
GLOBAL – Pimco’s US$ 250bn (€160bn) Total Return fund, the world’s largest bond fund, has expanded its investment remit to include up to 10% of its total assets in preferred stock, convertible securities and other equity-related securities.
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UK roundup: NEST, Stewardship Code, Barnett Waddingham, Pension Capital Strategies, Towers Watson
UK – The introduction of the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) will reduce annual management costs across the industry, pensions minister Steve Webb has said.
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UK sets out objectives for new financial regulators
UK – Hector Sants, chief executive of the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA), has outlined the progress made on the shift of City regulation to three new regulators: the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), the Financial Policy Committee (FPC) and the Consumer Protection and Markets Authority (CPMA).
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Hymans Robertson predicts surge in risk transfers after Paternoster deal
EUROPE – Goldman Sachs is set to acquire Paternoster through its insurance company Rothesay Life.
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Switch to CPI could save British Airways scheme £900m
UK – British Airways could slice around £900m off the deficit in one of its defined benefit (DB) pension schemes by switching increases to pensions in payment from the retail price index (RPI) to the consumer price index (CPI).
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UK roundup: LGPS, Cass Business School, Westler Foods, Aon Hewitt, BBC
UK – The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) should consider diversifying its investment portfolio to help mitigate the medium to long-term risks on its investments, according to a white paper from Cass Business School.
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Expert disputes interpretation of ruling in Lehman/Nortel case
UK – Ros Altmann, director general of Saga, an organisation representing the over 50s in the UK, has disputed lawyers' interpretation of a landmark ruling last week.
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UK roundup: Barclays UK Retirement Fund, CBI, Ofgem, Babcock, Aon Hewitt
UK – The £18.2bn (€21.6bn) Barclays UK Retirement Fund's internal investment team has been renamed Oak Pensions Asset Management (OPAM) to give them more flexibility to execute investment decisions.
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UK roundup: Aon Corporation, Goddard Perry Consulting, Pensions Policy Institute
UK – The accounting deficit of the 200 largest privately sponsored pension schemes remained relatively stable in November, increasing by £2bn to £71bn, according to the latest Aon Hewitt 200 Index.