All Pension Protection Fund (PPF) articles – Page 15
UK roundup: PIC, University of London, PPF, DB deficits
PIC adds £114m to infrastructure portfolio after writing close to £2bn in liabilities in 2014
Cost of clearing forcing pension funds to reconsider hedging approach
UK’s PPF mulls hybrid approach, balancing unfunded and funded hedging strategies due to central clearing costs
UK roundup: Pension Protection Fund, Ford Pension Scheme, Punter Southall
UK lifeboat launches consultation on valuations for schemes newly eligible for PPF protection
PPF considers levy-transition protection for some UK defined benefit schemes
Proposal to limit levy increases for those most impacted by new bespoke model dependant on PPF universe paying difference
UK roundup: Pension Insurance Corporation, Pension Protection Fund
Pension scheme completes £47m insurance contract covering pensioners, deferred members
UK roundup: PPF, NAPF, Aon Hewitt, bulk annuities
PPF set to grow assets to £22bn by 2017, according to latest predictions by lifeboat fund
UK Coal wind-down will not increase PPF liabilities
Lifeboat fund says it expects to be ‘no worse off’ from managed closure of firm than if sponsor had been liquidated last year
Equities help London Pension Fund Authority bolster funding levels
LPFA hints at more illiquid assets after partnering with LGPS funds on infrastructure
Mandate roundup: IPE-Quest, Pension Protection Fund
Danish pension fund tenders €100m GEM debt mandate using IPE-Quest
UK Pension Protection Fund shifts from active management to smart beta
Lifeboat scheme swaps all equity benchmarks to minimum volatility ahead of market capitalisation as smart beta takes hold
Pension Protection Fund to consult on new insolvency score in May
New system, developed by Experian, to be in place by end of October
UK roundup: Towers Watson, pension increase exchange, PPF
Consultancy predicts coming years will see increased use of PIE exercises for de-risking
UK schemes abandon infrastructure platform over costs, returns [updated]
BT, BAE Systems schemes and LPFA leave PIP just as platform secures £260m investment to create first fund
Scottish government failing to address 'important' questions on pensions after independence
Accountancy body bemoans lack of clarity over cross-border funding, unfunded public sector pensions
UK High Court dismisses pension fund's fight for revised PPF levy
Court overturns Ombudsman decision for lifeboat scheme to compensate scheme trustees
Country Report
Deficits at UK pension funds drop to new low [amended]
Schemes edge closer to collective surplus, last seen in June 2011
UK schemes face planning delay as PPF postpones insolvency score model
New solvency score method will not be ready by early 2014 as planned
Bond returns narrow deficits at UK DB pension funds
Equity markets, Gilt yields main drivers of funding levels, PPF says
UK roundup: Lloyds of London, Pension Insurance Corporation, Barnett Waddingham, PPF
Lloyds Superannuation Scheme completes buyout after second-largest sponsor leaves fund
PPF funding level increases as it returns 11%
Levy income higher than expected after fewer funds employ contingent assets