NETHERLANDS - Over half of Dutch employees are prepared to keep on working part-time after the official retirement age of 65, according to pensions and ageing think-tank Netspar.

Moreover, a survey of 1,200 workers found 47% believe their employer is also positive about such arrangements, according to researcher Arthur van Soest.

Part-time working for over 65s will become attractive if the workers get a proportionally larger pension, and if the rules for the pension benefits are more flexible, Netspar found through its study.

That said, some tax measures, such as on the savings scheme ‘levensloop', need streamlining, Van Soest said, albeit "these issues are easily to resolve", he emphasised.

Most of the interviewed workers indicated they would be willing to keep on working until the age of 67, if their working hours were gradually reduced from the age of  63, Van Soest said. "However, hardly anybody wanted to continue full-time until 67."

But likelihood of workers being allowed to keep on working beyond 65 differs from sector to sector, with quasi-government bodies the most cooperative, Netspar found.

In Van Soest's opinion, the real stumbling block is the majority of the employers who do not agree with a part-time option for older workers.

"Most workers made clear that their employer want them to go on full-time until 65," said Van Soest.

"Getting these employers on board requires a culture change," he pointed out.

According to Netspar, employers do not need to be worried about the declining productivity of older workers.

"Research has shown that this group is very motivated, has an adequate education and is productive," it said.

If you have any comments you would like to add to this or any other story, contact Julie Henderson on + 44 20 7261 4602 or email