ITALY – The age of retirement in Europe is the focus of a forthcoming conference organised by Italy’s Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, or CERP.
Among the list of speakers are OECD chief economist Jean-Philippe Cotis, the European Commission’s Declan Costello and John Morley and Paolo Sestito, coordinator of the working group monitoring the employment and labour policies at Italy’s welfare ministry.
Academic speakers include MIT’s Peter Diamond, Richard Disney of the University of Nottingham, Axel Börsch-Supan of the University of Mannheim and Mauro Mastrogiacomo of the Free University of Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute and Centraal Planbureau.
Other academic speakers include Bruno Contini of the University of Turin and LABORatorio R. Revelli and Elsa Fornero of the University of Turin and CERP.
Other forthcoming conferences include the Asset Allocation Summit in London on October 6-7. Stating the case for bonds will be consultant John Ralfe and Mercer’s Jon Exley while Merrill Lynch Investment Managers’ Andrew Dyson and Shell Pension Scheme’s Giles Craven will advocate equities.
November 13 sees the Twenty-First Century Investment Summit in London on the theme of rebuilding trust.
IPE is a media partner to the Asset Allocation Summit.
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