UK - The £1.4bn (€2.1bn) Berkshire county pension fund is looking for a specialist Asia-Pacific (including Japan) manager for a mandate in excess of £80m.

Currently, Schroders is managing a £50m Japan-only portfolio and the fund is investing in unit trusts to cover the other Asian pacific areas.

Pension fund manager Jack Johnson explained to IPE that the tender was the outcome of a review of this particular mandate.

The pension fund had 16,589 contributors, 9,440 pensioners and 10,511 deferred beneficiaries as at March 2006.

The latest actuarial evaluation in 2004 showed a deficit of £146m, calculated by the incumbent actuary Hymans Robertson. In September, the fund tendered for actuarial services.

Deadline for participation in the Asia-Pacific portfolio manager tender is 22 January 2007.