All standards articles
ISSB proposes fast-track amendments to climate-change standard
‘We’re not really deliberating whether or not we made good decisions in the past,’ says vice-chair Sue Lloyd
Swiss alliance pushes for stricter constitutional rules on climate, biodiversity
Finanzplatz-Initiative aims to collect 100,000 signatures necessary to hold a referendum and enshrine new set of rules on sustainability in constitution
ISSB faces ‘reputational’ challenges as it weighs sustainability rule changes
Engaging the standard-setting process is a ‘big deal’, says Sue Lloyd
Swiss pension funds call for review of ESG reporting standards
Swiss schemes have faced challenges with data collection, processing and consolidation when reporting for the first time
MEPs set to urge new EU finance head to work on ‘international baseline’ for sustainability standards
Maria Luis Albuquerque will also be quizzed about her vision and plans for a ‘Savings and Investment Union’
IASB proposes illustrative examples to improve climate-related reporting
The proposals come in response to strong demand from investors who have complained that companies often fail to back up climate-related statements
ISSB, EU achieve high degree of interoperability in sustainability reporting
Sue Lloyd, ISSB chair, says that the ISSB, EFRAG and the European Commission ‘have collaborated to achieve a high degree of alignment’
Cost Transparency Standard for pension schemes launches in Ireland
It will enable trustees to better understand the investment costs they pay and to benchmark these costs against their peers
ICGN sets out investor sustainability assurance expectations
The corporate governance group has called on national regulators to adopt upcoming IAASB and IESBA sustainability assurance standards
ISSB standards embraced by over half of global economy, claims chair
More than 20 jurisdictions have already decided to use or are taking steps to introduce ISSB standards in their legal or regulatory frameworks, says Emmanuel Faber
IFRS Foundation takes over TPT’s transition plan disclosure resources
Step described as ‘an important milestone in the creation of global norms for transition plan disclosure’
SASB standards update risks opening ‘Pandora’s Box’, ISSB chair warns
The chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board has warned the board risks opening a “Pandora’s Box” with its commitment to update the legacy Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) standards. Emmanuel Faber said: “We actually opened a Pandora’s Box […] by saying that we are now going to prioritise our ...
ASIP ESG reporting guidelines lay obstacle course for Swiss pension funds
Pension funds have taken the ASIP ESG reporting standards as an opportunity to start or expand public ESG reporting
EFRAG, ISSB release joint guidance on sustainability reporting
The new document is designed to address complexities and reduce duplication in sustainability reporting
IFRS committee confirms it will not tackle net zero accounting
The International Accounting Standards Board is expected to review the committee’s decision at its April meeting
Swisscanto applies Swiss Climate Scores, ASIP ESG reporting standards
The Swiss Climate Scores apply to funds, while ASIP ESG reproting standards to mandates
GRI revamps biodiversity standard, issues call for investor engagement
Understanding the impacts of organisations is ‘crucial aspect of implementing global solutions to halt and even reverse the damage and address existential threats’, says Carol Adams
GRI seeks comments on draft standards to enhance climate action transparency
The consultation comes on the eve of the United Nations COP28 climate change summit
ISSB faces tough choices in shaping sustainability standards workplan
The ISSB received over 400 responses to its request for information on its future agenda priorities
DCIF calls for consistent template for TCFD reporting for master trusts
Greater standardisation of reports should become common practice, the forum recommended