All sustainable taxonomy articles
ISSB launches consultation to enhance global applicability of SASB standards
The consultation is open for public comments until 9 August 2023
Commission taxonomy decision lamented as political, creating confusion
The Dutch Pension Federation is calling on the European Parliament to reject the Commission’s proposal to include natural gas and nuclear energy in the taxonomy
ESG roundup: European Parliament OKs taxonomy climate rules
Plus: private equity data convergence advanced, GRI delivers major update and oil & gas treatment, MSCI launches net-zero application
Investor groups weigh in on ‘beyond green’ taxonomy proposals
Industry bodies respond to consultation by European Commission advisory body
German, Austrian investors press EC to exclude nuclear power from taxonomy
FNG sends open letter to Commission, with some members asking to be identified to demonstrate support
EU taxonomy alignment ‘unlikely to be material investment driver’ – Eurosif
Eurosif reacts to criticisms of taxonomy with call for ‘honest debate’
International sustainable finance forum starts taxonomy work, gains IMF
EU and China co-led working group to draw up ‘common ground taxonomy’
PLSA outlines action plan to facilitate climate-aware investing
Recommendations for action include joint industry-government work to ‘achieve a common language and taxonomy ahead of COP26’
EC names members of new sustainable finance advisory group
Nathan Fabian of the PRI has been chosen as chair of the Platform on Sustainable Finance
PRI: Investors show EU taxonomy applicability and ‘optimising’ needs
PRI publicises work done by investors brought together in taxonomy practitioner group
German fund industry body calls on government for help with EU ESG regs
BVI calls for ‘necessary, even if unpleasant, decisions’
Asset owner-steered project delivers blueprint for net-zero investing
APG, Brunel, PKA and others to test ‘hugely important’ framework developed with the help of over 70 investors
EC opens for applications to new sustainable finance advisory body
Platform on Sustainable Finance will play a key role with regard to the taxonomy and the Commission’s future strategy on sustainable finance
Germany to gauge corporate sustainability with EU taxonomy
Results ‘will help maximise the relevance of the taxonomy for its users’
ECB presents climate-related risks expectations for consultation
Climate-related and environmental risks ‘can have a substantial impact on the real economy and banks’
Final EU sustainability taxonomy report out, with user guidance
EC’s Dombrovskis says TEG’s final reports ‘provide excellent input’
EC promises ‘enabling framework’ for green investment
European Commission explains how its Green Deal will be financed
EU negotiators agree on sustainability taxonomy, approval still needed
Efama calls for action on corporate reporting given investor disclosure requirements
Coal presence in climate funds ‘points to need for more ESG oversight’
InfluenceMap highlights 22 climate-themed funds with coal exposure, while State Street highlights ‘important nuances’ of climate-aware investing
APG, PGGM to launch sustainable investing platform for asset owners
The artificial intelligence-based vehicle will assess potential sustainable development investments and has already earned the support of big investors such as USS