SWEDEN - Swedish life insurance companies delivered an average return of 12% on investments in 2009, compared with a 7.2% loss in 2008.
Swedbank Försäkring generated the highest overall return of 20.8% 2009 - a siginificant rise against -10.6 % 2008). The lowest return was for Länsförsäkringar Liv, as it has reported a 2.3% return against 0.3% last year.
According to Gustav Karner, CFO at Länsförsäkringar Liv, the company had been very restrictive in its investments over the last two years, and this gave the firm a relatively good return in 2008 but punished the company last year when stock markets rose.
That said, he is still satisfied with an average return of 1.7% over last two years.
The overall 2009 reported returns for Swedish life insurance companies and pension funds so far are:. (Figures in brackets are for 2008)
Company | 2009 | 2008 |
Swedbank Försäkring | 20.8% | -10.6 |
Änke- och Puppillkassan | 17% | -8.9% |
Skandia Liv | 16.4% | -13.4% |
SHF | 16% | -4.3% |
SEB Trygg Liv Gamla | 15.2% | -15.8% |
Alecta | 12.8% | -7.4% |
KPA Pension | 12.4% | 6.3% |
AI Pension | 11.1% | -5.7% |
Folksam | 10.3% | 0.9% |
SPP | 9.6% | -5.9% |
SPK | 8.4% | 5.7% |
Nordea Life & Pensions | 6.4% | -1.6% |
Länsförsäkringar | 2.3% | -0.3% |
This story was first published by Pensionsnyheterna, a Swedish-language specialist news service, and translated in agreement with IPE.com.
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