GLOBAL – The pension fund of a US insurance company has tendered an actively managed micro-cap equity mandate worth an initial 25 million dollars (19.7 million euros) via IPE-Quest.
Assets eligible for investments are restricted to micro-capitalization stocks of the US equity markets. It will be benchmark against the Russell 2000
“The portfolio is a medium- to long-term investment portfolio. The objective is to attain a rate of total return [including capital appreciation and_income] that exceeds that of the established benchmark index, while adhering to the restrictions mentioned below.”
The portfolio is to be fully invested at all times. Apart from transactional cash, cash equivalents are limited to a maximum of two percent.
Not permitted are repurchase, reverse repurchase and stock lending agreements, short selling and leverage as well as derivatives and futures. Per issuer exposure should not exceed three percent.
The closing date is January 30.
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