GLOBAL – The chief executive of Watson Wyatt & Co. has said the company is pursuing “strategic acquisitions” as part of its growth strategy.
John Haley, president and chief executive of US-based Watson Wyatt & Co., outlined strategy in a presentation at the Robert W. Baird Business Solutions Conference.
According to the presentation, now posted to the firm’s web site, Watson is following a three-pronged growth strategy. It would “pursue strategic acquisitions”, leverage its “global capabilities” as well as “add new clients and expand existing relationships”.
The stock market-listed Watson Wyatt & Co. is allied through cross-shareholdings to the UK-based partnership Watson Wyatt LLP.
A spokesman for the UK arm, Bruce Wraight, said Haley was speaking on behalf of the US arm. “The whole firm is looking to grow organically,” he said, adding that he was not aware of any specific deals in the pipeline.
The Haley presentation explained the Watson brand as a pyramid, with ‘putting clients’ first at the base, ‘global depth and breadth’ in the middle and ‘thought leadership’ at the apex.
The presentation highlighted “strong demand” for services, the Watson brand and its integrated offerings. It also highlighted “experienced management team with substantial associate ownership” along with a track record of solid financial performance.
Watson Wyatt & Co. earlier this month reported that second-quarter income and revenues fell, although it said market share had improved.
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