Amsterdam – The chief investment officer of Europe’s largest occupational pension fund is the featured speaker at the IPE Awards in Amsterdam on Wednesday November 13. The theme of the event is “Living in turbulent times.”
Jean Frijs, CIO at ABP, is to address guests on the topic of “The quest for robust strategies – can we hedge the downside risk?” The speech is to be followed by two seminars, which will discuss managing investment portfolios and controlling investment and other costs.
Around 160 pension fund executives, representing some 75 pension funds will be in attendance. The funds control a combined total of 525 billion euros in pension assets - representing around 20% of Europe’s funded pensions. In total 360 guests will be at the awards, with 25 consultants and 25 regulatory and government officials among their number.
The speech and seminars are followed by a champagne reception and dinner, at which the IPE annual awards will be announced.
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