Alex Inkapool
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Sweden eyes tax change for foreign IORPs
SWEDEN - A legislative proposal has been submitted regarding the taxation of foreign IORPs, Alex Inkapool writes.
- Features
Sweden’s PPM appoints board for ‘better advice’
The Swedish Premium Pension Authority, PPM, has created a four-strong scientific advisory board, which includes Michael Orzag of Watson Wyatt. The board is to function as a reference point for PPM’s work and give the authority advice in areas of academic research, financial economics as well as communication. It comprises: ...
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Sweden’s PPM sets up scientific advice board
SWEDEN - The Swedish Premium Pension Authority, PPM, has created a four-strong scientific advisory board.
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Sweden takes step to IORP implementation
SWEDEN - The government’s insurance corporation overhaul committee has today presented its proposal for the implementation of the EU pension fund directive to deputy minister of Finance Gunnar Lund, Alex Inkapool writes.
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Aon enters Swedish pension consulting market
SWEDEN – Aon Consulting says it has entered the Swedish pension consulting market – aiming to become market leader by 2007.
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Swedish pension market in midst of restructure
SWEDEN - The crisis in the Swedish mutual life insurance market is leading to a shake-up in the pensions industry, Alex Inkapool writes.
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Sweden to investigate 'issues' with its pension system
SWEDEN – The Swedish Premium Pension System is to be investigated and the free choice of funds possibly reformed as 90% of savers are in deficit.
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AP3’s Andersson to head Skandia Asset Management
SWEDEN – AP3’s Mats Andersson has been named the new head of Skandia Kapitalförvaltning, Skandia Asset Management, according to Skandia’s web site.
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AP2 backs more transparent EU hedge rules
SWEDEN – The head of fixed income and alternative investments at the 140.4 billion-crown (15.3 billion-euro) Andra AP-fonden has welcomed moves to a more transparent hedge fund framework.
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Skandia case goes to Swedish supreme court
SWEDEN – The Skandia pensions taxation case has been submitted to the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court – with a decision expected within weeks.