All ATP articles – Page 6
ATP rapped by FSA over past illiquid credit risk shortcomings
Danish pensions giant says some of the FSA-flagged issues already solved
ATP wins clearer ESG picture of illiquids after data gathering
DKK936bn pension fund to use new data for better engagement as well as in active management
ATP hopes to add human capital to quant algorithm
Danish pension fund works to find longer data set on effect of companies’ people focus
ATP helps squeeze global emissions with new ESG filter for utilities
Danish pension fund’s new model for sector ensures no investment in new coal power
LD pays out DKK50bn of holiday fund, but sees much remaining
600,000 people thinking about leaving their money in the fund, says LD Pensions
ATP thanks long work on processes, risk for weathering ‘worst crisis’
Danish statutory pension fund recoups earlier losses, reveals tech startup investment
ATP’s voting stance strays ever further from proxy advice
Danish pensions giant takes new stand in AGMs on ousting cosy auditors
Danish pensions lobby rails against financial tax as early pension agreed
Cross-party agreement reached over Social-Democrat proposal for early retirement pension
ATP seeks diversity insight with high-flier classes for women
‘This is really not about fixing the women, but learning what we can do better,’ says HR chief
ATP welcomes ESMA reprieve as it shifts derivatives out of London
Wary of hard Brexit risk, Danish pension fund has been moving most derivatives exposure to EU counterparties
AkademikerPension suspends Macquarie again amid new concerns
ATP quit dialogue with Australian bank at end of last year, following lack of answers
IPD disputes ATP’s ‘conservative’ free-rider calculations
Lobby group says fund has a point, but failing to save for a pension is not an advantage
ATP says ‘free riders’ in Danish pension system end up with more
Basic tenet of Danish welfare idea is not working, says pensions giant
ATP wins back year’s investment losses by August
Insurance strategies deal out €270m gain to Denmark’s largest pension fund
People moves: Essex scheme seeks investment adviser
Essex Pension Fund, ATP, The Pensions SuperFund, Lothian Pension Fund, Falkirk Council Pension Fund, Fife Council Pension Fund
Denmark paves the way for major changes to ATP’s model
Parliament debates bill to change “outdated restrictions” to population-wide statutory pension
ATP sees no pensions correlation between high fees and high returns
High-fee pensions can be a third smaller than low-fee schemes over a lifetime, says pensions giant
ATP set to manage €1.3bn Danish crisis recapitalisation fund
New state fund to buy up preference shares, according to parliamentary document
Nordics roundup: ATP, PFA back EIB’s climate bond
Norway’s AFP pension fund taps eVestment; PFA re-hires NNIT as digitisation increases
Industriens Pension bags PE, infra experts from Vækstfonden and ATP
Danish pension fund for industrial-sector workers hires two specialists to develop its €6.7bn unlisted portfolio