AUSTRIA – An advanced technical college in Vienna is offering a new master of science degree for quantitative asset management from this autumn.

According to the college, the degree takes two years to obtain and is offered in conjunction with one’s current job. It said that those applying must either already have a university diploma or, in special cases, the relevant job skills.

In this context, the college noted that the degree was particularly suited to people working for asset managers, banks, IFAs, insurers and pension funds.

“The programme offers solid training in the various asset classes, including equities, bonds, real estate, private equity, etc. It enables students to develop optimal investment strategies for either private or institutional investors,” the college said.

The college added that to master quantitative asset management, students would acquire the necessary mathematical, statistical and financial knowledge.

Costs for the two-year degree were put at €17,900. This covers tuition, test charges and refreshments.

“The need for asset managers will likely become much greater in the future. This is both because of private investors, who need to save more for retirement, but also because of the needs of institutional investors like pension funds, banks and insurers,” the college noted.

Earlier this month the Cass Business School in London said it would launch the world’s first MSc in pensions.