Con Keating
Con Keating is head of research at BrightonRock Group and a member of the steering committee of the financial econometrics research centre at the University of Warwick
- News
Con Keating: The Investment Association's 'offensively' bad fee report
The Investment Association’s recent report on fees is so terrible it’s actually offensive, writes BrightonRock’s Con Keating
- News
Collective defined contribution: It's about commitment
Con Keating, head of research at BrightonRock Group, considers the ‘main’ advantage of the CDC model
- Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Con Keating - BrightonRock Group
With 78% of pension funds considering themselves long-term investors in an IPE Focus Group survey, it would be tempting to believe that dramatic progress had been made towards achieving the objectives of the Kay Review on UK equity markets.