UK – Dresdner RCM Global Investors has lured Lucy Watson away from Baring Asset Management to become director and head of global equities in London.

Macdonald will join the global equity portfolio management team at Dresdner on October 22, reporting to Mark Phelps, CIO, global equities.

Prior to the move, Macdonald had most recently been involved in the launch and management of the Baring leading sectors fund.
Her former incarnations at Barings included stints as co-head of the UK team and then as head of the global media and telecoms team.

Mark Archer, head of institutional business development at Dresdner RCM, comments: “We are delighted that Lucy has agreed to join us. Her reputation in the UK market is extremely good and we think her contribution to the global equity team at Dresdner RCM will be significant. This latest appointment follows the recent arrival of Jonathan Bolton from Schroders and clearly illustrates our determination to create one of the best global propositions in the market.”