All Emerging Market Debt articles – Page 9

  • Emerging Market Debt: Localising, globalising
    Asset Class Reports

    Emerging Market Debt: Localising, globalising

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    Joseph Mariathasan finds that fast developing emerging debt markets present opportunities for risk-taking and challenges for benchmarking and performance measurement

  • Asset Class Reports

    Emerging Market Debt: What role do indices play?

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    The key sub-components of the emerging market debt (EMD) are the original hard currency sovereign debt, followed now by local currency sovereign debt and, increasingly, hard currency corporate debt. At some stage local currency corporate debt may also come to have significant size. There are two questions that need to ...

  • Asset Class Reports

    Emerging Market Debt: Local currency bonds

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    Emerging market debt (EMD) originated as a hard currency debt market but today it is the local currency issuance that dominates the sovereign debt marketplace, while hard currency issuance in 2007-08 was 70% corporate.

  • Asset Class Reports

    Emerging market debt: Emerging market debt goes local

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    Building out term structures, liquidity and diversity in emerging market debt will improve the efficiency of both emerging economies and investors portfolios, write Peter Botoucharov and Edouard Stirling

  • Emerging Market Debt: A reconfiguring world
    Asset Class Reports

    Emerging market debt – A reconfiguring world

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    High credit spreads and strong currency performance are just two reasons why emerging debt markets are set to eclipse the performance of G7 countries in the coming year, writes Peter Marber

  • Asset Class Reports

    Emerging Market Debt: Portfolio focus: Fringe benefits

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    As an asset class, emerging market debt (EMD) is generating a real buzz among asset managers and investors. It may take some time, but pension fund allocations are expected to rise, given the mismatch between current allocations to the emerging markets and their increasing economic importance. Insight Investment head of EMD, Colm McDonagh, says: “Less than 1% of global pension fund assets are in emerging markets; it should be significantly higher. Within 10 years, emerging market countries will have 50% of global GDP.”

  • Asset Class Reports

    EM debt comes of age through crisis

    November 2009 (Magazine)

    No one would envy the job that developed market pension fund managers face over the next few years. After the huge destruction in wealth brought about by last year’s credit crisis, they have a lot of catching up to do.

  • Sanctuary in the crisis
    Asset Class Reports

    Sanctuary in the crisis

    November 2009 (Magazine)

    Emerging market debt has had a good crisis and is now firmly established in the mainstream. But, as Joseph Mariathasan finds, the complex matrix of exposures it represents raises the question of whether it is one asset class or many, and demands a properly considered allocation process

  • Features

    Politics holds Russian key

    November 2004 (Magazine)

    Although many investors are quite enthusiastic about emerging markets and emerging market bonds, Russia might not be especially high on the list of desirable destinations for investor money. The default crisis of 1998 left many investors stranded and nursing huge losses and is still clear in the memory of many ...

  • Features

    Growth at risk

    November 2004 (Magazine)

    New highs for oil prices, the latest report on the (non-) existence of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, hurricanes, terrorist bombs, and G7 meetings, and the usual slew of economic data that keeps on coming – all in all just another average couple of weeks for world watchers. Capital ...