All fossil fuels articles – Page 4
ABP brought to court over fossil fuel investments
Fossil Free starts lawsuit against the Dutch civil service scheme over its fossil fuel investments
PME dumps fossil fuel investments
The pension fund for the metals sector and the technological industry is the first large Dutch scheme to divest entirely from fossil fuels
Dutch hospitality sector fund ditches fossil fuels
The €15bn pension fund is only the second Dutch pension scheme to say goodbye to fossil fuels
Lifesight commits to halving portfolio emissions by 2030, then net-zero
Master trust targeting consistency with IIGCC net-zero investment framework
ABP announces ‘more ambitious and focused’ sustainability policy
The fund will reduce its investments in fossil fuels
AP7 blacklists two Chinese stocks for environment misdeeds
Latest exclusions brings Swedish pension fund’s total blacklist to 86 companies
Strathclyde announces fossil fuel divestment policy adoption plan
Agreement a response to a call from Glasgow City Council, follows divestment campaigns
New oil and gas job for ABP trustee draws criticism
ABP: ‘It is normal for our trustees to have side jobs’
Wandsworth adds renewable fund amid decarbonisation start
Public pension fund adopts policy to progressively decarbonise its investments and seek investment opportunities that will outperform in a 2°C scenario
Norway’s SWF stands back from looming shareholder battle for Exxon
Largest proxy voting firm advises clients to vote for rebels
IEA maps out ‘narrow’ pathway to net-zero energy system by 2050
A stop to investment in new fossil fuel supply projects among milestones in keenly awaited scenario
Allianz’s stricter rules to exit coal prompt call to up game
The insurer has set out the goals to exit coal in the OECD area by 2030 and globally, including Asia, by 2040
Climate activist wins seat on Danish pension fund board
Chair of P+ says pension fund must strive to balance membership’s different attitudes
North-Rhine Westphalia applies ‘fossil free’ ESG index to global equities
STOXX used a methodology to control implicit risks, such as industry, regional or company-specific risks to design the index
Swiss schemes move forward to curb GHG emissions
Migros was included in Climate Alliance’s list as a green Pensionskasse for applying an ESG index that reduced CO2 intensity by 30%
AP Funds need same definition of illiquid assets, McKinsey tells Sweden
Swedish pensions buffer funds cut fossils exposure by between 51% and 100% in five years
Danica toughens stance on coal, tar sands and bans peat
CEO “convinced the future belongs to companies that can adapt to a green future”
ESG roundup: Investors challenge EC agriculture policy reform plans
Plus: SEC clears emissions reduction targets proposal for vote at ConocoPhilipps; Insurer AXA to drop energy company RWE
Swiss roundup: PKBS excludes fossil fuels from investments
Plus: 2020 annual returns for Solothurn and Vaud cantons; Reform for the first pillar system approved
AP4 counters flak over fossils: ‘We have clear ownership criteria’
Swedish nature conservation group casts doubt on effectiveness of AP funds’ engagement approach over fossil holdings