All From Our Perspective articles – Page 3
Perspective: What is trusteeship worth?
Running a pension fund is a difficult job, whether for an executive, a professional trustee, or a member-nominated representative
Perspective: How to survive a reputational crisis
Pension fund trustees could benefit from developing a clear policy stance in relation to controversial questions
Perspective: Trouble in Lykkeland
The decision to appoint Nicolai Tangen, a hedge fund owner, to the position of CEO at Norges Bank Investment Management has proved controversial
Perspective: Funds embrace diversity
Some US pension funds have been leaders in diversity and inclusion. Are others catching up?
Perspective: Four difficult questions facing pension fund investors
The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic poses many difficult questions for investors. Pension funds will probably have to reconsider many long-standing assumptions. These are some of the most intractable.
Perspective: COVID-19: Funds seek solace in the long term
COVID-19 is forcing European pension funds to put on a brave face as asset portfolios and funding ratios plummet, and regulators soften their stances.
Perspective: Inspired actuaries form COVID-19 rapid response group
At the onset of Europe becoming the epicentre of the coronavirus crisis, there were individuals in one profession that were keen to act as quickly as possible in response to what they saw “could well be humanity’s burning platform for change”.
Perspective: EIOPA’s COVID-19 address reassures
A coronavirus crisis statement from EIOPA addressed to national supervisors drew positive words from lobby groups PensionsEurope and the European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP).
UK auto enrolment: The architecture of a reform
The UK’s auto-enrolment policy has been successful. But this success has been no accident, as a new research project shows
Perspective: Striving for net zero
Günther Thallinger, a member of the board of management at Allianz and chair of the steering group of the UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, spoke in Davos about the role of asset owners in reducing carbon emissions
Perspective: André Hoffmann – Green results, not greenbacks
Roche heir and pharmaceutical tycoon André Hoffmann outlines his view of a more sustainable model of capitalism
Perspective: Carlo Cottarelli
Carlo Cottarelli, the Italian economist and former IMF director, says fixing the European economy will mean taking difficult decisions
Perspective: Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
As he ends a six-year stint at the helm of Ontario Teachers’ and prepares for retirement, Ron Mock reflects on the alignment of interests between the organisation and its stakeholders
Government Pension Investment Fund: Widening the reach
The president of Japan’s €1.3trn Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) reflects on the challenges of century-long stewardship
IPE Perspective: Two sides to the MMT premise
Is there any merit in functional finance versus classical economic theory?
From Our Perspective: Pension roads to Rome
Around the beginning of the 2000s enthusiasm for pension funding was at a high. As Germany took measures to unwind the cosy ‘Rhineland capitalism’ cross-share-holdings, book reserve pension liabilities seemed like yesterday’s solution
From Our Perspective: Two decades of shifting perspectives
This spring marks 20 years since the first issue of IPE. Our founders Piers Diacre and Fennell Betson started this publication with an assumption that funded pension systems would become more widespread in time, leading to increased diversification and a need for clear, well-researched and well-presented information.
From Our Perspective: Be wary of shredding the regs
The Trump administration maintains that some of the Dodd-Frank legislation brought in following the financial crisis should be repealed or amended
From Our Perspective: Packaging pensions ‘just right’
In 2001, the Myners report raised the issue of the investment value chain and how pension funds could improve outcomes through their governance structure. It also highlighted market inefficiencies in areas like peer-group herding and investment consulting. The interaction between fiduciary duty and the provision of institutional investment services had not been explored so extensively before and the report resonated widely outside the UK.
From Our Perspective: FCA raises the game
In 2001, the Myners report raised the issue of the investment value chain and how pension funds could improve outcomes through their governance structure. It also highlighted market inefficiencies in areas like peer-group herding and investment consulting